Group Chat

141 10 7

Queen of Chat : so mom has found my hidden stash of prom magazines
Emotion Hooker : That's not that bad. But why do you have prom magazines? You are a grown adult?
Queen of chat : I meant porn. I have porn magazines
Evil Granny : why'd you feel the need to tell everyone?
Wallet💳💵 : I didn't know whether to be disappointed because she had porn magazines. Or be proud because she's reading magazines and not spending the $18.89 a month on a pornhub subscription
Spilt Personalities👩🦹‍♀️ : ...How do you know how much a pornhub subscription is?👀
Wallet💳💵 : Sam. I was a desperate single for a long time before I met Kara
Cookie Baker : Good news Lillian! The suicide pact is back on!
Evil Granny : oh yay! Now we just need J'onn's support.
Space Grandpa : you both have my full support. But I get to die first

~ Two Hours Later ~

Snorlax : Hey Lori, I appreciate you coming to me for help. But stop trying to convince me to hide your magazines
Magic Hands🥵 : don't even need porn...
Widow Maker : I swear to god, if this conversation keeps going, I will throw myself off a cliff.
Queen of Chat : Vormir is awaiting you Queen☺️
Sexier Russian : Lori, that was too soon
Firefly : Idk man, it's been a few years. And the soul stone could be very valuable in this world
Widow Maker : Carol, is this about me saying that you and Kara are not allowed to have ice cream for breakfast?
Queen of Chat : Ok, so it's obvious that this conversation is no longer about me
Queen of Chat : and I can't handle not having attention
Queen of Chat : So I'm going to go piss off Aunt Andrea for a bit
Sassy Boss Lady 💁‍♀️ : Please don't
Smarty Pants : Nia, I believe this chat requires a moving image
Snorlax : I will determine when I need to whip out my gifs
Smarty Pants : Of course Nia
Queen of the Chat : Well, we know who the top is in that relationship.
Magic Hands🥵 : oh my god
Wallet💳💵 : ok but people literally thought I was the top
Queen Alexandra👸 : no we didn't
Snorlax : 100% knew you were a bottom
Mon-El : yeah no, total bottom
Computer Boi : I was scared of you. So I had no opinion
Android : I know your search history. And I can confirm, you wanted Kara to top you long before you admitted it to yourself
Android User : Same though Hope. It was so weird
Sassy Boss Lady 💁‍♀️ : Definitely a bottom. Although, I thought you were a power bottom
Evil Granny : You have mommy issues, of course you were going to be a bottom
Cookie Baker : What's a bottom?
Split Personalities👩🦹‍♀️ : that's why you lowkey moaned when Reign choked you
Other Assistant : Lena "the bottom" Luthor
Space Grandad : I could read your mind and when Kara and I were in your office, I did not like what I could hear.
Smarty Pants : What's a bottom?
SuperStraight : my cousin is a top? Good on you Kara
Wrong Lane : this is why I want to leave the group chat
Sexier Russian : I thought Kara would be a bottom
Widow Maker : you obviously haven't seen red Kara
Queen of Chat : how do you know about that?
Widow Maker : it was literally in yesterday's briefing.
Magic Hands 🥵 : Lena literally was like "Karas I am most attracted to. In order" and then proceeded to rant about how she wants Kara to strangle her when she's red Kara.
Queen of Chat : oh, I must've missed it
Snorlax : I recorded it and put it on YouTube if you want the link
Queen of Chat : no thanks, if I have to listen to Mom thirst for Ma for an hour, I will throw myself out of them window. And make sure I land in a pool of Kryptonite.

~ Two more hours later ~

Queen of Chat : Wanda just informed me that I can't marry her until I sort out my priorities
Queen of Chat : Apparently playing COD with Yelena shouldn't be top of my list
Sexier Russian : you don't need that negativity in your life!! You're an independent woman who don't need no mother-wife
Snorlax : omg Mother-wife💀💀💀
Widow Maker : 🎶sweet home Alabama🎶
Queen Alexandra 👸 : omfg😂
Space Grandad : I can't believe that you prioritise playing video games with Yelena over your girlfriend.
Queen of Chat : Yelena doesnt yeet me out of a window.
Magic Hands🥵 : In my defence, you enjoy it
Queen of Chat : I do. But that's not the point
Sexier Russian : Is Lori a masochist?
Queen of Chat : wouldn't you like to know 😉
Wallet💳💵 : Wanda, I swear to god. Stop throwing my daughter out of windows

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