Ice Cream

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"Then Nat shot me in the face." Lori finished her story, "It was awesome."
"Can we go back to where you guys did a hero mission without me?" Carol questioned, "Like I get it. Lori is Wanda's girlfriend and Yelena is Natasha's sister...but I want to do hero things. And I've never been to Russia."
"Carol, you've been to space." Wanda pointed out.
"Yes. But space isn't Russia, Wanda." Carol argued.

A few moments later, Lena was involved in one of the stupidest conversations she had ever been apart of.
"If you were an ice cream flavour, what would you be?" Lori asked the room.
"I'd be vanilla." Kara answered.
"Yeah same." Carol agreed.
"Because you're both basic?" Lori replied.
"What? No-"
"I'd be pistachio." Lillain answered."
"Because your nuts?" Lena crossed her arms.
"Actually, I think Mon-El would be pistachio because no one likes him." Lori said.
"That's my girl!" Lena high-fived her.
"I'd probably strawberry." Wanda shrugged.
"Because you're fruity." Lori said.
"I'd be chocolate." J'onn looked to Lori to see how she was going to respond.
"Because everyone likes you but you're highly overrated." Lori smiled innocently.
"I'd be cookies and cream." Nia said.
"Because everyone loves you, and if they don't love you, then they are complete sociopaths." Lori smiled happily at Nia.
"Thanks Lori." Nia gave her a side-hug.
"I'd be chocolate brownie." Hope said.
"Because you're great in small bursts, but you're sickening after a lot."
Jess choked on her water, "Oh my god."
"I'm rocky road." Nat said, "And don't you dare make that a bad thing."
"I was going to say because you have some soft spots but try to mask them by being hard. But okay."
"That was pretty accurate." Yelena took a shot of her vodka.
"Shut up." Nat threw a pillow at her.
"Lena! She's throwing things." Yelena pointed star her.
"Real mature girls." Lori asked.
"I'd be coffee flavoured." Kelly joined in.
"Because you're an alternative to drinking three cups of coffee and refusing to sleep...and you're an underrated flavour."
"I'd be rainbow sherbet." Alex spoke up.
"Because you're a sweet gay."
"Oh my god." Kara started laughing, "True!"
"What flavour of ice cream would I be?" Brainy asked Lori.
Without hesitation, Lori replied with "You're just milk."
Nia spat her drinking out due to her laughing so hard.

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