Lillian & Toddler Lori

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"There is nothing in this planet I love more than scheming." Lillian told her henchmen.
Right after Lillian said that, Kara walked in carrying Lori. "Hey Lillian, I need you to watch Lori. And don't involve her in some scheme."
"Why me?" Lillian asked, crossing her arms.
"My mother is super busy, Lena is drowning in work, everyone else is on a dangerous mission. And literally everyone else I trust enough to take care of Lori are either in a different time period or on a different planet." Kara explained, "Trust me, I'm not happy about it either. But at least this means Lori finally gets to meet her grandmother...and it was either you or Lex. And I think we'd both rather you look after her." Kara handed Lori to Lillian, "I'll send Lena around later to pick her up."
"Wait, Kara-"
Kara ran out of the room and left Lori to be cared for by Lillian.
"So...meeting adjourned I guess." Killian looked around at the men and women, "Come back tomorrow."

Lilian looked down at the child she had sitting on the metal bench.
"Gammy!" Lori giggled as she grabbed Lillian's nose.
Lillian sighed heavily, "Call me Lillian."
Lori have her a puzzled look, "Gammy!"
Lillian face palmed, "For the love of baby Jesus, you're another Kara. For fuck's sake Lena."
"No!" Lillian replied, "Don't say that, your mothers will kill me."
Lori made intense eye contact with Lillian, "Fuck!"
"Ughhh!" Lillian threw her arms in the air in defeat, "Think Lillian. You've had two kids. What did Lena used to like?" Lillian looked at Lori, "Lori doesn't have a brother to try to kill. So that won't work."
"Kwill!" Lori yelled.
"No!" Lillian pointed at her, "No killing."
"Gammy kwill!" Lori giggled.
"Oh no. Lena is going to kill me." Lillian shook her head.
"Mommy kwill Gammy!" Lori almost fell off the bench, but was caught by Lillian.
"Do you have a death wish, kid? 'Cause I don't. Never say that again." Lillian glared.
"Gammy." Lori started playing with Lillian's necklace.
Lillian sighed, "I guess I'll just take you back to my place."

Sure enough, moments later, Lillian and Lori were in the Luthor mansion.
"This is the weirdest two-year-old I've ever met." Lillian shook her head, watching as Lori started playing with a gun. She dialled Lena's number, "Hey Lena, how indestructible is your daughter?- No I wanted to know because I'm babysitting - yes I fed her - calm down, you're starting to sound like me. - Lena, I can look after a child."
"Mommy! Mommy!" Lori flew on to the couch where Lillian was sitting.
"You mean she has shot herself before?" Lillian questioned. "What do you mean she just spits the bullets out? - Lena - Lena - Lena, let me speak. I can handle her. I just needed to know if I should take the gun off her - I didn't give it to her, she found it! - This conversation is over." Lillian hung up.
"Mommy sad?" Lori asked.
"No kiddo, your mommy is mad." Lillian replied.
"Gammy otay?"
"Not really, but-" Lillian cut herself off by feeling Lori's arms around her. "Oh."
"Gammy need a hug." Lori kept her arms around Lillian.
Lillian hugged the toddler gently.

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