Group Therapy pt 2

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"She threw me out of the window last time we were here." Lori said.
"I literally mind wiped you, and you're worried about how I threw you out of a window? You're indestructible." Wanda pointed out.
"BUt mY fEElinGS aRenT WanDAaa."


"Hold my hand in public, you pumpkin fuck." Lori glared at Wanda.
"Did you call me a pumpkin because I'm a redhead?" Wanda asked.
"No. I called you a pumpkin 'cause the only time I've ever been afraid of you is on Halloween." Lori replied.
"Mood." Carol agreed.


"Which one of you taught Carol slang?" Natasha asked, "Every time I say something she's like okay boomer."
"Why is that a problem?" Lena asked.
"Yeah, they do that to me all the time." Kara added.
"She's older than me!" Natasha pointed out.
"That's the tea sis." Nia said to Lori.


"I see why Nat hates slang so much. This morning, I took off my clothes in front of Lori and she said, and I quote damn baby, I wish I could call you a snack. But you're looking like a full five course meal. And I'm starving. What the actual fuck?" Wanda told Kelly.
"I believe it means she wants to eat you." Brainy spoke up, "There is a 67% chance that Lori wants to eat you. She may be a cannibal."
"Brainy, I want to eat her. But not in that way." Lori dismissed his statement.
"Lori!" They all jinxed.
"I don't think she'd know how to handle me." Wanda glanced at her.
"Oh baby." Lori's voice dropped an octave, "I could handle you."
Wanda tilted her head and raised and eyebrow, "You sure about that?" Her voice dropping slightly too.
"Whoop, never mind. My body is experiencing dangerous levels of gay panic right now." Lori admitted.
"That's what I thought." Wanda chuckled.
"Oh my god, she's exactly like Kara." Lena pointed out.
"And Carol." Nat pointed out.
"And Alex." Kelly added.
"It's a Danvers thing." Lori shrugged.


"How are you handling L-Corp?" Kelly asked Lori.
"Please don't ask her that qu-"
Lori cut Jess off, "Aside from walking in on my assistants fucking on my desk, I'm handling it pretty well."
"You didn't have to throw the desk out of the window." Hope crossed her arms.
"You made the right decision, Lori." Lena pat her on the shoulder.
"You could've given us the desk."
"Nope. That would teach you that if you fuck on the furniture, you'll get it for free. And that's not the Luthor way." Lori denied.
"I'm both impressed and kind of afraid of Lori." Lillian made her feelings well, "She's doing the Luthor name good, but she's also throwing shit into traffic."
"It wasn't thrown into traffic...Wanda caught it with her magic before it could do damage." Lori pointed out.
"Sooo where is the desk now?" Hope asked, hoping to get the desk.
"In the ocean." Wanda replied.
"For fuck's sake." Hope crossed her arms.


"I've noticed that you two are holding hands-"
Alex cut Kelly off, "Oh so memory eraser and Supergeek can hold hands in these sessions but we can't?"
"Alex, I am the therapist."
"I can't believe you want to divorce me." Alex cried.
"I have to be professional." Kelly argued.
"She called me Supergeek." Lori pointed out.
"Oh, I thought she was talking to me." Kara said, "That's why I let go of Wanda's hand."
"You were holding hands with Wanda?" Lori asked.
"My hands were cold. Lena's hands are cold. Hers were warm. I wanted warmth." Kara replied.
"Kelly, we are married! Everyone knows I'm fucking you." Alex pointed out.
"Starting to feel incredibly uncomfortable." Marcus spoke up.
"You get used to it." Brainy shrugged.
"Have some popcorn and enjoy the drama." Nia handed him the bowl of popcorn.


"Mom said I have to start filing tax. But Uncle Lex taught me something called tax evasion and that sounds like fun." Lori told Kelly.
"Lori no!" Lena yelled.
"Why don't you just go full Luthor and kill everyone at the tax office?" Lillian suggested.
"Can I-can I do that?" Lori looked at Kelly.
"No! You absolutely cannot do that." Kelly replied.
"Sorry Lillian, the therapist has spoken." Lori shrugged.
"That's okay." Lillian turned to Kelly, "You're not invited to brunch today."
"But I made biscuits!" Kelly replied.
"Tough shit."
"Do I still get to go?" Alex asked.
"Alex!" Kelly gasped.
"Of course you're can."
"Alright sweet, I'll be there." Alex smiled.
"Alex!" Kelly yelled.
"Sorry babe...but it's free food."


"Wanda, why are you late?" Kelly asked.
"Um I got super busy with stuff in my world." Wanda obviously lied.
"Isn't that Lori's shirt?" Nia pointed out.
"Yeah it is, I bought it for her." Lillian clarified.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." Lori walked in wearing Wanda's shirt.
"Oh hi stuff." Alex waved.
Nat and Carol choked on their drinks.
"What?" Lori looked at everyone.
"Look at your shirt." Kara gestured to it.
Lori looked down, "Fuck! You grabbed my shirt." Lori blamed Wanda.
"You were the one who seduced me! Which made us late." Wanda argued.
"Boy oh boy. This is going to be an interesting relationship." Nia continued eating her popcorn.
"True that." Marcus stole some popcorn.


"Nia, for the last time, you can't bring popcorn into the room." Kelly sighed.
"Can I bring in tea so I can constantly sip it every time there's drama?" Nia requested.
"I guess so." Kelly glanced over at Marcus, who was already sipping tea. "I can't believe my son is one of them."
"I mean, have you met Aunt Alex? I'm surprised the kid isn't a gun-slinging, knife-loving, douche baguette." Lori pointed out.
"Did you just call me a douche baguette?" Alex glared.
Lillian, Kara, Nia and Carol were laughing so hard that they were almost crying.
"Douche baguette!" Kara wheezed.
"All I can picture is Alex as a baguette and being like you are a fucker, stab stab in a French accent!" Carol laughed, falling off the couch.
Due to Carol's impression, the others on the couches began laughing. Even Kelly giggled a little.

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