Okay Boomer

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"Lori, I'll give you $20 if you say okay boomer as a reply to everything factually correct that Lena says." Nia offered.
"I'd do that for free. But deal." The fifteen-year-old shook Nia's hand. "We should get Marcus to do it too."
"Omg you're a little genius!"
"I'm not little." Lori crossed her arms.
"Yes you are." Nia pat her head.
"Your mom didn't think so."
That's when Nia made the 😧 face.

Twenty minutes later, the group of roommates sat around the lounge room.
"Everyone, listen up." Lena stood up, "Kelly told me that I have to start sharing my feelings because apparently I'm boarding on what she called a psychotic break. But all I heard was blah blah blah, you're like your brother, blah blah blah."
"Lena!" Kelly shook her head, "You better start sharing your feelings, or I'm going to throw your carpet into that massive microwave in your lab."
"Fine!" Lena turned to Brainy, "You're my best friend, my emotional support straight, but you fucking annoy me when you try to correct me. So stop that."
"Good. Next." Kelly pointed to Kara.
"Kelly said it's not healthy to fuck out our feelings and we should talk about them. So I have a list of things to say to you when Lori's on the Waverider next." Lena turned to Alex, "I love you, but you need to stop calling me a Luthor every time I do an experiment."
"Fair point."
"Mon-El..." Lena started mumbling, "I don't hate you. I just hate your presence and that you dated Kara."
"She doesn't...hate me?" Mon-El looked to Winn.
"James, you never made me finish." Lena looked at James.
"Wait, what?"
"Nia, my sweet girl. Stop corrupting my daughter. I've paid her bail enough."
"Oh no." Nia mumbled to herself, looking at Lori.
"J'onn, thanks for walking me down the isle, but I'm an independent woman with daddy issues who doesn't need your guidance anymore." Lena flipped him off.
"Lena!" Kelly gasped.
"Marcus, you're good. Keep being cool."
"Thanks Aunt Lena." Marcus nodded.
"Lori..." Lena looked to her daughter, "You stress me the fuck out, but I love you. But you really need to stop buying horses. I have six horses." Lena looked to the tv, "Anywayyy, did you know that the Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer."

Without skipping a beat, Lori looked Lena into the eyes, "Okay Boomer."
"I'm not a boomer!" Lena cried.
Now subtly handed Lori twenty dollars.

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