Jailed Again pt 3

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"For the last time, you can't go visit them. You have a job to do."
"But Lenaaaa it's Amy's birthdayyy." Kara whined.
"You're not going. And that's final." Lena turned away, "Now hurry up and write your article."
"I'm going out. I'll see you guys in a bit." Nia waved.
"Does she live with us?" Lena asked Kara.
"Sooo remember how someone burnt down Alex's apartment?"
"Yeah?" Lena stopped what she was doing and glared at Kara, "What did you do?"
"Wellll Nia lit her own-"
"You know what, I don't want to know anymore." Lena went back to cooking breakfast.
Nia kissed Lena on the cheek, "I'll see you later adoptive mother."
"Did she just-"
Nia then kissed Kara on the cheek, "Goodbye."
"She just-"
"Do I at least get a hug?" Alex asked.
"Oh no." Lena looked up at Alex, "Please don't tell me-"
"Kelly and I live here now. Kara gave us permission."
Lena glared at Kara, "Who else did you let stay here?"
"I um I well, here's the thing-"
"Kara Zor-El Danvers-Luthor, who else did you let stay here?"
Kara smiled innocently and nervously, "Oh no, I can her something happening in the city. I have to go."
"Kara! Get back here!" Lena yelled as Kara super-sped out the door.
"Sometimes it's hard to imagine that Kara's the top." Alex said to Kelly, stealing a piece of Lena's toast.
"That's it. I'm putting all the wine in my safe." Lena said, grabbing two wine bottles in each hand.
"No! Please! I'm sorry!" Alex begged, following closely behind Lena.
Kelly tripped over something, falling to the ground.
"Brainy, why are you on the ground?" Kelly asked as she looked at Brainy laying on his back. "Guys! I think Brainy's broken."
Lena came rushing back, "Brainy! Not on my carpet!"
"My apologies Lena. But I miss Nia." Brainy looked sad.
"She literally just left to go to wo-" Lena cut herself off, "Wait. Nia doesn't work today. And there's nothing happening in the city."
"Oh no." Alex's eyes widened, "They're doing stupid things without me!" Alex looked to Kelly, "How could they?!"
"Alex, baby, love of my life, no offence but please shut up." Kelly replied.
"Well that explains the broken Brainy situation." Lena gestured.
"Where could they be?" Kelly asked.
"Breaking news. Catco reporters Kara Danvers and Nia Nal have been placed under arrest after breaking into a pet store."
"I really wish I had fallen in love with literally anyone else." Lena sighed heavily.
"They are like the bad girls of reporters." Alex was lowkey impressed.

~ In The Prison ~

"Happy birthday Amy!" Nia and Kara jinxed as they were thrown into the cell.
"Aww thanks guys." Amy hugged them.
"We wanted to get you something, but Lena wouldn't give me her credit card." Kara said sadly.
"Dude, why are you dating her if she keeps baby-ing you?" One of the women asked.
"To be fair, she deserves it."
"Yeah, I do a lot of stupid stuff."
"But still, she's not your mother." Amy pointed out.
"She's actually really sweet and caring. And yes she gets frustrated, but she get frustrated because she loves me...maybe more than I'll ever know. And she loves so hard and so well for someone who's been hurt so much. And she's smart and funny and so great at everything she does." Kara explained.
"Sounds perfect." Another woman pitched in.
"It is. She has her flaws, but she's never had anyone love her properly. And I know that's not an excuse, but she's not what you think she is. She scares me but in the best possible ways. Like I'm afraid that one day I'm going to screw up and she's going to walk away and leave me in her past. Which is why I take the lectures and the fights. Because she's not walking away...she's just angry. And that's fine. Every couple fights." Kara finished off her little rant.
"You know, I was going to leave you in there overnight, but I think I might actually pay the bail."
"Lena!" Kara exclaimed happily, "How much of that did you hear?"
"All of it." Lena smiled and quickly glanced to the floor, rubbing the back of her neck, "How much did you mean?"
"All of it. Lena, I married you. I love you."
Lena smiled softly and looked to the guard, "What is everyone in here for?"
"Mainly breaking and entering or petty crimes." The guard replied.
Lena looked at Kara, "This is our present to Amy, okay?"
"What is?" Kara asked as Lena walked away, "Lena?! What is our present?"

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