This Is My Girlfriend

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"Who's ready to celebrate Kara's birthday?!" Sara yelled excitedly, walking through the door. Both her hands filled with bottles of vodka and an assortment of other alcoholic drinks.
"Hey Sara." Alex said shyly.
"Oh get over it Danvers, it was a one time thing. We've both moved on." Sara said, snaking one of her arms around Ava's waist.
"You and Captain Lance?" Zari pointed between them, "I must know details."
"No. No you don't." Ava stepped in.
"So where is Skirts?" Mick looked around.
"Persuading Lena to buy her potstickers as a birthday present." Alex rolled her eyes.
"I can't say I'm surprised." Sara shrugged, sitting down on the couch beside Ava. She put her legs on the coffee table and crossed them over one another.

"Please Lena, it's just one hundred potstickers." Kara begged as she walked through the door to her apartment.
"I said no for a reason have company." Lena stopped and looked around at everyone.
"Oh my god, you're Lena Luthor. The Lena Luthor." Luke said, looking towards her, "I have so many questions. How did the Krypto-suit work? How'd you man-"
He was cut off by Kate elbowing him in the side.
" Luke pointed out, this is Lena girlfriend." Kara said with happiness drenching her voice. But she was shaking with nerves. She looked around at the shocked expressions on people's faces.
Mary squealed breaking the silence, "Yes! Finally! My ship is sailing! I've shipped you guys since that first Catco article Kara wrote!!"
"You read Catco?" Kara asked.
"Well I mainly read it for the fashion, but sometimes the other articles are really good." Mary looked at Nia, "We could call them Lenagirl."
"Or corpgirl." Nia replied.
"Or SuperLuthor."
"Or Karlena." Nia pointed out.
"Wait! I got it! Supercorp!" Mary blurted out.
Nia and Mary squealed with each other.
Kara and Lena looked at each other, confused but relieved.
"Congratulations girls." Ava said, standing up and walking towards them. She dragged Sara behind her.
"Always knew you were gay." Mick shrugged, sipping his beer.
"Ignore him. I'm proud of you, Kara. Welcome to the gays, we have shirts and complimentary pineapple juice at the door." Sara nudged Kara slightly.
"Pineapple juice? What's so good about pineapple juice?" Kara asked, watching Lena try to contain her giggling. "What? What am I not getting?"
"Sara, please do not tell my sister that. She's the last innocent one left." Alex sighed.
"Sorry Alex."
Kate walked up to the girls, "So a Super and a Luthor...together. Do I hear the words 'power couple'?"
"We have things we need to work through, boundaries we need to set. Such as no bringing Kryptonite home from work-"
"No more than fifty potstickers in one sitting." Lena interrupted.
"I still think that's an unfair rule. But, we also have agreed to tell each other everything. Like yesterday when Lena got stabbed, she just crossed her arms and said I'm used to it." Kara pointed out.

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