How Lori Found Out

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Lena wrote her hyphenated last name in the board as her daughter, nephew and niece walked into the classroom of the college.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Lori groaned.
"Is that Aunt Lena?" Marcus pointed.
"Obviously, how many brunettes have the last name Danvers-Luthor?" Lori flopped down in her seat.
"You might want to tuck your shirt in." Esme gestured to Lori's untidy uniform, "You have super speed and you look like a mess."
"I can't tie ties." Lori mumbled.
"You should probably learn how. Considering Aunt Lena wants you to take over L-Corp when your older." Esme pointed out as she sat beside Lori, completely contrasting Lori. Esme was sitting up straight, excellent posture, eager to learn and well-presented. Lori was a mess, slumped over her desk and eager for lunch. Marcus was somewhere in between, his shirt was untucked and his hair was an unruly mess. But his uniform was clean and not one wrinkle could be found in his blazer.
"How did the daughter of Lena Luthor end up being such disaster?" One of the preppy girls commented.
"Maybe it was all Kara Danvers' fault." Their friend replied.
The snickering and comments continued, just loud enough that Lori could hear them. They hoped Lori wouldn't retaliate with Lena in the room, but what they didn't account for was the fact that Lori has spent most of her life trying to prove herself a worthy granddaughter for Lillian.
"Lorelei," Lena finally looked towards her daughter, "Tuck your shirt in."
"Ooh told off by your mother. Lorelei's life probably sucks right now." One of the girls commented.
"If I were Lorelei, I'd end myself before the public lynching begins." The leader chuckled to herself.
Lori gripped the desk to try to refrain from doing anything drastic.
Lena watched Lori's reaction to the snickering girls in the back.
"Ladies, if you can answer my next question, everyone gets to leave early. Get it wrong and you will get held back for half an hour." Lena watched Lori sink further in her chair.
"This will be interesting." Esme said, looking back at the girls.
"What is the correlation between quantum entanglement and soulmates? And what other theory would need to be proven to be true in order for there to be any evidence of quantum entanglement's explanation for soulmates?" Lena asked the girls.
Lori kept sinking in her chair, remembering a social studies assignment she had done as a young teen, "Kill me now." Lori begged Esme.
"Absolutely not. This just got interesting." Esme kept her head turned towards the girls.
"I-um-I-" The main girl studied.
Lori found a sudden burst of confidence, "It's a good thing you're pretty."
The girl glared at Lori, "What is it then?"
Lena turned her attention, "Lori?"
Lori sighed heavily, finally pulling her body weight up so she was sitting semi-normally, "Quantum entanglement states that when two particles where next to each other, or split from each other during the Big Bang - those particles will be intertwined or entangled. This means that a change in one will affect the other. That is, hypothetically, the idea of soulmates at a subatomic level." Lori spoke half-heartedly, "However, for the correlation to make any sense you'd need to - not only believe in the Big Bang, but also believe in reincarnation. And that two people are forever destined to find each other in the lives they live."
"So Lorelei has a brain." The girl scoffed, "Who knew?"
"Show of hands?" Esme replied, raising her hand. The girl watched as every single person raised their hand, including Lena. Lori kept her arms crossed as her family members came to her defence once more as the girl continued to insult Lori.
"It's nit my fault her only personality trait is rich girl who's destined to be evil like her grandmother and uncle." The girl defended herself poorly.
Lorelei gripped the desk, breaking it in her grip. She stood up and turned around, she stopped herself before she could snap. She looked back to her mother, "Now do you see why I never show up for class?"
Lori stormed out of the room, leaving Esme and Marcus to glare at the girl. Esme rushed out after her cousin, leaving Marcus to make the threat.
The shield surrounded his arm, seemingly growing from the bracelet on his wrist, "Hurt my cousin again and I will end you." He rushed out once he saw the fear in her eyes.
Lena shook her head, ultimately having to return to her attention to the remaining students.

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