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"I am not gullible." Nia defended herself.
"Okay, okay. You're not gullible." Lena pretended to give up the argument.
"Quick, look up! It says gullible on the ceiling!" Alex pointed.
"Where?!" Both Nia and Kara looked up, trying to find it.
Lena face palmed, "The roof doesn't say gullible."
"You know, I heard the bedroom door whispering last night." Kelly gestured to it.
Kara and Nia rushed towards the door.
"Speak to me!" Kara yelled at it.
"Why won't it speak to us?!" Nia cried.
"It's hard to believe that they're actually sober." Kelly looked back at Lena, "Do you want me to book you in?"
"Tomorrow at noon please. It gives Kara time to make me want to throw her off a cliff." Lena replied.
"Guys, watch this." Alex interrupted. She looked over at Kara and Nia, "Guys! Come over here! The roof says gullible again."
"Oh my god! Really?!" Kara and Nia jinxed, running over.
Kara and Nia investigated the roof.
"Actually, I think it was on a beer bottle. Bring one here and I'll show you." Alex convinced them.
Nia did as Alex said, "Where does it say it?"
"It doesn't. I just couldn't be bothered to get up." Alex admitted, "Thanks for the beer though."

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