The Decision

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So you know the timeline. This chapter takes place before the Marvel X DC plot line and before Lori goes to the Waverider. She's about 14/15 at the time of this chapter.

"Maybe I shouldn't have given you full control over our daughter." Lena sighed as she sighed the papers for Lori's bail.
"You can't really blame me for Lorelei acting out like this." Kara defended herself, "She is related to Lilian."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Lena glared, straightening her back and crossing her arms.
"Not like that. I mean, she's also related to Jeremiah. I'm just saying that it's to be expected." Kara tried to clarify.
"And I wonder why she doesn't want to be Supergirl anymore." Lena rolled her eyes.
"Now what was that supposed to mean?"
"You're Superwoman now, and when you retire, you're going to expect Lori to take your place. Can't you see that she's not like y-"
"Okay, stop fighting. I'm out now." Lorelei rubbed her wrists once the officer uncuffed her.
"Is that true?" Kara asked Lorelei, "You don't want to be Supergirl anymore?"
"I mean yeah. Look at me mom, ma just paid for my bail. I'm not like you, I'm more like her." Lori gestured to Lena.
"Okay, can you put her back in there and give me a refund?" Lena said to the officer.
"Not like that." Lori stopped Lena, "I'm not destined to be some great hero that people cheer for. I would rather work for the DEO or L-Corp."
"We'll talk more about this when we discuss what we're going to do about your behaviour lately."

~Later that night~

"Did you really have to lock her out of the lab?" Lena asked Kara as they cuddled on the couch.
Kara turned off the television she was watching and looked to Lena, "It's the only way she's going to learn. I mean, every single time I try to discipline her, she acts out by doing something worse. It's so frustrating."
"Maybe we should take Sara up on her offer." Lena suggested.
"What? Send Lori to the Waverider? She'll just cause more trouble there." Kara pointed out, "Imagine what she'd do if she could time travel."
"I think she'd do good." Lena replied, "Worst case scenario, she shapes up and fixes her own mess. Just as the Legends always do."
"I don't want to send her away." Kara admitted.
"Kara, they time travel. She'll be back as soon as she's gone."
"But she'll age. She'll grow up. We'll miss parts of her life." Kara said, "Lena, I don't want to miss parts of her life."
"Kara, you want her to be like you but she's not." Lena sat up, "She's like me-"
"And your parents sent you to a boarding school."
"And because of it, I grew into the person I am today. I know her Kara, I know her type. But if you really truly think there's another way, I will support you. I told you that you can make all the big parental decisions for her. And this is the biggest one you will have to make." Lena looked at Kara.
"What if she hates us for it?"
Lena's eyes glanced away from Kara's, her tone and posture changing, "She will. She will hate us for a long, long time. But there will be a day where she realises that we were doing what we thought was going to be best for her."


"Right now your parents are out there making the hardest decision they've ever made. And you will hate them for it. But I want you to remember something. You need this to become who you are destined to be. You will experience things that no one else will. They love you with everything that is them." The adult version of Lorelei smiled at her teenage self, "And you're going to learn how much they love you. Because you will never be loved by anyone as much as your moms do." Lorelei walked towards the portal, "Remember that when they break the news." Lorelei disappeared through the portal and back to her time.

~Twenty minutes, and several attempts to break into Lena's lab, later~

"Lorelei, please come out to the lounge." Kara called out to her.

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