Jailed Again ft Lore

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"What are we even doing in Lena's lab?" Alex asked.
"I heard this is where she's hiding my birthday presents." Lorelei told Alex.
"And we're here because?" Nia asked.
"Aunt Alex wanted to find her secret stash of wine, you wanted the laser and mom was bored."
"Well yeah, but we're going to end up burning the place down." Nia said panicking, "We're not going to find anyth-"
"Guys look! Wine! We're getting close." Kara called out to them, holding up two wine bottles.
"Kara, did you stain her carpet?" Alex's eyes went wide.
"How?! I was no where near it!" Kara panicked.
"Well, we're going to have to burn the place down." Lorelei sighed.
"Lorelei no!"
"But Aunt Aleexxx!"
"No, we can fix this." Alex looked around, "Grab that bottle and that cloth. It says cleaning agent on it."
"We could just stab one of us and blame it on attempted murder." Lorelei suggested.
"You mean to tell me that you are too lazy to clean the stain, but are energetic enough to attempt to kill one of us?" Alex questioned.
"Guys, I'm starting to feel kinda unsafe around Lorelei." Nia butt in.
"I swear, this is what I get for leaving you with the Legends." Kara rubbed her temples.
"In your defence, Sara said she needed the extra help and you were too busy trying to get ma to stop drinking." Lorelei pointed out.
"Lena's drinking again?" Nia asked.
"Nia, she has trauma, she never stopped drinking." Lorelei replied.
"Can you guys please help me clean this up?" Alex looked up from her place on the carpet, "Lena's going to kill us. This is the twentieth carpet we've stained."
"Really?" Lorelei raised her eyebrow, "I thought it was nineteen."
"No, you hated the last one so you threw it into the sun, remember?" Kara spoke up.
"No, that was aunt Sam." Lorelei argued, "Nia bumped me and I spilt my soup on it. Then I tried to kill Nia."
"Oh yeahhh fun times." Nia smiled to herself.
"There is something wrong with you two." Kelly shook her head.
"That reminds me, when will you diagnose me? You keep saying you'll get around to it, but you don't." Lorelei asked Kelly.
"Lorelei I told you, I'm not diagnosing you so you can fly around screaming if I had an espresso, I wouldn't be so depresso."
"Why nottt?" Lorelei whined, "Everyone else has a mental illness."
"If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you?"
"I would yell watch me do a back flip then do a front flip so everyone spends their last moments in disappointment." Lorelei answered.
"I should've gone into nursing." Kelly face palmed.
"You would've made a great nurse." Alex complimented.
"Now she's going to fantasise about the thought of Kelly dressed as a nurse." Kara rolled her eyes.
"Wait for Halloween." Alex winked.
"Gross!" Nia and Lorelei jinxed.

~ Twenty Minutes Later ~

"What does this do?" Alex picked up a gun-like object.
"Fire it." Lorelei encouraged her.
"Okay!" Alex fired it and all it did was point a harmless laser at Kara.
Kara gasped, looking offended, "Did you just almost shoot me?!"
"You're indestructible!" Alex argued.
"My feelings aren't!" Kara yelled back.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't tell Lena." Alex tried to hush Kara.
"What is happening?" Nia looked between them.
"Aside from me arranging an appointment for everyone, not much." Kelly answered Nia.
"Guys look!" Lorelei said from the other side of the lab, "I found another do-hickey!"
"What is it?" Alex said, rushing over.
"I don't know."
"Maybe you should try to use it." Nia suggested.
"Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"Do you know how much we don't care about danger?"

~ On The News ~

"Following an explosion coming from the L-Corp laboratory, authorities have arrested five individuals who will remained unnamed to the public. A witness claimed that, at least, two of the suspects are linked with C.E.O Lena Danvers-Luthor. Resulting in everyone wondering if this was just a publicity stunt."
"I swear to god, I am going to kill my wife." Lena took a deep breath in, "Lorelei! I'm going to have to go get your mother from jail, call me if you need anything!" Lena called out as she stood at the bottom of the stairs. Despite there being no answer, Lena did not think anything of it.
She tried to call Kelly and the lack of answer left her wondering what was happening. Cameras surrounded her as she made her way inside the police department.
"Mrs Danvers-Luthor, good to see you again. Their bail comes to-"
Lena interrupted, "oh no, I'm not here to pay their bail. I'm here to tell them off." Lena handed the cop a $100 bill.
"Just as good, follow me Mrs Danvers-Luthor." The police officer showed Lena to the holding cell.
"Kara Zor-El Danvers-Luthor! Do you have any idea-" Lena stopped when she saw Lorelei, "Lore?"
"Don't get mad at mom. It was my fault. I set it off." Lorelei admitted. She grabbed hold of the bars when Lena sighed heavily.
"I swear, I'll make it up to you. I'll work in the lab or I'll-"
Lena looked at her daughter, "You will work at Catco."
"What?! No!" Lorelei refused, "Catco is boring! I want to work at L-Corp."
"Do you know the amount of damage you caused today? You will work at Catco until you have paid of at least half of the damages to the lab." Lena's anger finally showed, "And you are not to go to the Legends until I have decided that you have earned that right again."
"But ma-" Lorelei tried to argue but got cut off by Lena.
"And once you have paid off the damages to the lab, you can work at L-Corp with Jess until you've paid off the damages to the building itself."
"Lena, that's a bit unfair." Kara stepped in, "She made a mistake, that's all."
"Kara, this is not the time to contradict me. My wife and my daughter are in prison together. And you dragged Kelly along with you. I mean, look at her! The poor woman is traumatised." Lena gestured time Kelly who was rocking back and forth. "You have done some pretty stupid things, but this was the last straw. Kelly, Nia, you guys can come with me. The other three can stay until they learn their lesson." Lena finally took a deep breath in.
"Is this a bad time to be turned on?"
"Kara, this is the worst time to be turned on." Nia replied to Kara's comment.
"This is because of the rumour, isn't it? It's got nothing to do with lessons. You're just trying to protect your reputation." Lorelei argued with Lena.
"As I said, learn your lesson." Lena stepped away from the bars.
"Alright fine. Whatever. I'll work at boring old Catco, but only because then I get to work with Nia and mom." Lorelei crossed her arms.
"With all due respect, you can't leave both Supers in there. We need them." The officer stepped in.
"Fine. Lorelei, you can come. But only because this is the first time you've gone to prison." Lena sighed.
"Well, we know who her favourite is." Kara crossed her arms.
"She'll come get you when she's horny." Nia shrugged, walking out with Kelly and Lorelei.
"But I'm horny nowww!"

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