Marvel X DC - Driving Lessons

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"Okay, Lorelei, there's a kid, a family and an old lady on the road. What do you hit?" Wanda asked.
"I don't know! Do I have to hit something?" Lorelei gripped the steering wheel tighter.
Wanda sighed, "Kara, same question. What do you hit?"
"Why are they on the road to begin with?" Kara questioned.
Wanda rubbed her temples, "Carol, what do you think?"
"Huh? Sorry, I wasn't listening. But whatever you said....yes."
"Okay, never mind. Take me home."
Lorelei drove them home.

"Hey Wanda, how's the lessons going?" Lena asked.
"I'm not teaching them anymore." Wanda sighed, "I asked a simple question 'if there's a kid, a family and an old lady on the road. What do you hit?' And none of them knew."
"That's easy, the kid." Natasha answered.
"No, obviously the old lady!" Alex argued.
"Old people don't give you any points. You hit the family. You get more points and you save the kids some trauma!" Lena interrupted.
"Guys no! You hit the brakes! The brakes!" Wanda exclaimed, running her hands through her hair.
"Are you sure? Because if it was my mother, Lex and myself, I'd want you to hit me." Lena farrowed her eyebrows.
Kelly came running out of the house, "My Lena needs therapy senses were tingling. What did she say this time?"
"Great news! I've found a hotel that has a free room. You know where to find me if you need me-" Wanda began to walk off, but was pulled back by Kelly.
"Don't you dare. I need you to level out the playing field. Plus you're the only one who I feel safe getting in the car with." Kelly kept a hold of Wanda's jacket, "You're not allowed to move out until I can."
"But I am so close to creating another false reality because of these people." Wanda sobbed.

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