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"I'm going to the store, anyone need anything?" Lena asked.
"Jellybeans!" Kara exclaimed.
"Yes! Oh my god! Jellybeans!" Nia agreed.
"Aren't you rich enough to send someone for you? We're supposed to be doing a movie marathon." Alex butt in.

~Ten minutes later~

"Why'd I have to say anything?" Alex sighed, pushing the shopping trolley.
"Speak for yourself, Lena gave us her credit card. And she said that we can get ourselves something." Kelly replied, putting stuff into the trolley.
"Wine aisle?"
"Wine aisle."

~Two hours later~

"And this is our chocolate factory." Alex gestured to a massive room. "I tried to employ some Oompa Loompas but Kelly said no."
"Alex, they were kids you forced to get a spray tan!"
"Why do I feel like Lena and Kelly are close to saying fuck?" Nia asked Brainy.
"Because Alex managed to buy a chain of Pot Belly Burger stores for Kara - which made Kara vomit. She also bought a vineyard, a Lamborghini and a mansion."
"At least she was smart enough to buy a house and a car." Kara cut in, "When Lena gave me her card, I just bought a potstickers factory."
"It's still your favourite investment." Kelly butt in, "Everyone knows you're proud of that."
"No one is ever allowed to touch my card ever again." Lena rubbed her temples.
"Then I should probably give these back to you." Nia handed Lena four of her credit cards.
"How did you?-"
"I've been paying for everyone's morning coffees using Lena's credit card...also I needed some help with rent." Nia looked at Lena, "Thanks for that by the way."
" Nia is the most responsible with money?" Kelly looked at everyone.
"Oh and I bought a horse!" Nia looked at Lena, "But that's it."
Lena's eyes went wide, "You told me I bought the horse while drunk!"
"No, you bought the white one while drunk. I bought the other one. At least I bought the barn. You were going to just leave them in the backyard." Nia crossed her arms.
"Did anyone remember to buy me Jellybeans?" Kara interrupted.
"Look in the moving truck." Alex pointed to it.
Kara opened the back of the truck and Jellybeans started to pour out of it.
"I'll say it again, how is Nia the most responsible with money?" Kelly leaned against the wall, "I'm going to be sick."
"Then be sick away from my Jellybeans." Kara pointed for her to leave.
"None of you, expect Nia, are ever touching any of my money...ever again."

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