Song Writing

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"Good news Wanda! I wrote a song about you." Lori said as she slumped down on the chair behind Wanda, with her guitar in hand. "Wanna hear it?"
"Not particularly, I'm busy." Wanda looked back towards the project Lena gave her.
"You're actually doing that?" Lori stood up and walked over to her, "No one has ever actually done that. Mom gave that thing to everyone to solve and everyone ignored it or just couldn't do it."
"Well, I've already solved it twice." Wanda used her magic to pull apart the box and get the credit card out from inside, then put the box together.
"I-" Lori looked at Wanda, "I dare you to do that in front of my mother."
"Why?" Wanda looked back at her.
"Because my mother will absolutely go and change all the rules so you can't do that anymore. And I wanna be there when she frantically searches for the rule book she wrote." Lori admitted.
Wanda crossed her arms, "Again, why do you want to be there?"
"Oh because when it was my turn, I got to frustrated that I lit the rule book on fire and threw it off Mount Everest." She told her, "Now, let's go find my mother."

A few hours later

"Bestieee." Lori flopped on to the camp chair - which sat beside Yelena.
"Oh god, what do you want?" Yelena noticed Lori's cheerful demeanour, "The stench of your happiness is ruining my mood."
"Oh come on sour puss. Don't be like that." Lori shoved her, "I wrote a song about Wanda."
"Let me guess. It goes like red hair / magic hands / make me a mess blah blah blah."
"Wrong!" Lori grabbed her guitar. "And Wanda doesn't want to hear it so you have to."
"Ughhhh." Yelena groaned.
"Complain all you want, but you know damn well you're gonna walk around singing it later." Lori pointed out as she sat up, starting to strum the guitar's strings.
"I will throw that guitar into the fire-" Yelena began to threaten her, but softened when Lori began to sing.
"She holds a smile inside her / Hides when love finds her / But you know there's nothing quite like her
Soft skin, red hair, no one quite compares / Her laugh, I love / She is my home
Yeah I know you'll be alright / You've got me to hold you tight / Yeah baby know you'll be fine / This shit may hurt but you will fly / Yeah my love this is where you belong / But you don't know I read you too"
As Lori sang, Wanda found herself listening intently. The others had wasted no time in gathering around the crackling fire.
"There's not replacing you / I tried, but it's no use / And when you wore that dress, I swear I fell
Yeah I know you'll be alright / You've got me to hold you tight / Yeah baby know you'll be fine / This shit may hurt but you will fly / Yeah my love this is where you belong / But you don't know I read you too
Soft skin, red hair, no one quite compares / Your laugh, I love / You are my home / You are my home"
Lori's strumming faded out as the fire's cracklings returned to its rightful place as the only sound being heard.
"See Carol, that's how you write a song about a partner." Natasha pointed out.
"Lori, pass the guitar. I'm gonna serenade Natasha to prove that I can sing a good song." Carol got the guitar from Lori, clearing her throat, "Lena told me this is the most romantic modern song on earth."
Natasha sat up quickly, "Lena what did you-"
Carol cleared her throat and began to sing, "My neck, my back, lick my p-"
"NOOO!" Natasha, Kelly and Wanda rushed to cover Carol's mouth.
"Please let her finish." Lori begged, "I was just getting into it."
"I also want Carol to finish." Yelena added.
"Why would you tell Carol that song is romantic?" Natasha asked Lena.
Lena shrugged, "Thought it would be funny." Lena smiled innocently, "And I was right."

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