Hypothetical Situations

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"Lorelei, I have a situation for you." Nate asked, "So imagine you're in your room and you hear your mom calling for you. So, naturally you check your mothers' room and your mom goes it's okay honey, I heard her too. What would you do? Would you stay in the room or go to the one who called out to you?"
"Well for one I would wonder how my moms got in board and when they got a room on the Waverider. Secondly, I'd go to the one who called me, because you said my mom called me. And I call Lena mom and Kara ma. And if mom is calling out to me in the middle of the night, I'm going to her because she's terrifying when she's tired. Hell, I'd super speed out to her just so she doesn't get angry that I'm taking so long." Lorelei explained.
"I meant as in one's a ghost." Nate crossed his arms.
"MOM'S DEAD?!" Lorelei exclaimed.
"Nate, why would you?" Sara rubbed her temples. "Lore she's not de-"
"Well technically she is. We jump through time. She's both alive and dead depending on when we tr-"
"Not helping Mick!" Ava interrupted him.
"Captain, there's a problem in th-" Charlie stopped when she saw that Lorelei was upset. "Mick, what did you do this time?" She sighed.
"It was Nate this time." Nick defended himself.
"Nate?" Charlie looked between them, "How?"
"Don't ask. Let's just, talk about whatever it was you were going to tell me." Sara dismissed.
"It involves mythical creatures."
"A unicorn?!" Lorelei asked excitedly.
"No no, we've done the whole unicorn thing." Nate interrupted.

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