Chapter 200

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Lorelei held Wanda's hand as Lena read them the bad news.
"So I'm dying?" Lori asked her mother.
"I'm so so sorry Lori." Lena looked down at her fidgeting hands, the streak of grey in her hair stood out and showed her ageing self to the world around her, "There's nothing any of us can do."
Brainy stood beside Lena, typing away on his keyboard, "And believe us, we tried."
"You have roughly three years." Lena admitted.
Wanda looked to Lori, "I could alter re-"
"No." Lori looked to Wanda, "No altering reality. This is how it's supposed to be."
"But I don't want to lose you." Wanda admitted, "I can't lose you."
"Then marry me." Lori said abruptly, "Finally, after these fifteen years...marry me."
Wanda looked around at all of the Superfriends who were filling the room.
Nia had her two children sitting either side of her. J'onn, Eliza and Lilian, who looked as ancient as each other stopped bickering for a moment. Marcus beside his wife and their kids. Kelly, who's hair had finally given in to its now natural gray stood behind Alex - who absolutely refused to let her hair turn gray. Carol - who still looked as young as she did when they had first met, sat on the ground in front of the ageing spy she happily called her wife. Hope, who's body begged for repairs, kept hold of Jess' hand - both waiting anxiously for Wanda's answer.
"Okay." Wanda nodded, "I will marry you." Wanda teared up. Lori kissed her softly.
All of the superfriends were there celebrating, aside from one. Yelena Belova, who was busy travelling around Russia with her parents.
Truth be told, deep down, Yelena could feel what Lori had asked Wanda. After all, they were best friends.
"After all these years." Yelena smiled to herself, looking back towards the plane she had just stepped out of, "Good on you kid." Yelena then looked down at her phone, "Could've asked her a week ago while I was there, but I'm proud of you."

A month flew by and Yelena would find herself travelling back to National City to be Lori's best man. Lori was obviously struggling, walking with a cane to support her weakening body.
Wanda, with Lena's help, would be pregnant with Lori's baby....babies. Twin boys. And Lori already knew what Wanda would name them.
And to everyone's surprise, Lori would get to hold them once they were born.
She defied all of Lilian's expectations, and even, outlived her. She'd attend the funeral and give the eulogy - something Lilian had written into her will when she felt her age getting the best of her.

Four years would pass and Lori would still be alive. Seizing every opportunity she could to be happy. She'd hold Wanda a little longer than she did when she was 25. Kiss her with a little more passion. She'd buy more books to have Wanda read for her and their twins. She'd open L-Corp an hour later so she could have more time in bed with Wanda. She had learnt to dance so she could keep up when Wanda would dance around the house. She began to learn her lessons faster so there was less time spent angry, and more time spent laughing. She began to tell more jokes, do more, work harder. She learnt to love better - live better. And love Wanda a little harder. Just so she could give Wanda the best years of both of their lives.

Both of them would forget that Lori was dying at one point. As the sun set it's rays reflected off their rings, dancing with the refracted colours; broken rainbows that painted across the glass table that held the weight of a small cactus - which was gifted to them by Yelena - and Wanda's cup of coffee and Lori's glass of lemonade.
In one hand, Lori held Wanda's, and in the other, Lori held a hardcover book. The twins would be playing with the others in the backyard.
Lori watched, distracted by the laughter of her children. Then she looked to Wanda, "I bet you didn't see that coming."
Wanda smiled to her wife, "You're right Lori, I didn't." Wanda looked to Lori's empty glass, "Let me go refill it for you." She picked up the glass and walked inside.

Lori looked up, watching the multicoloured clouds retreat as the stars took their place. She smiled to herself, clutching the book her and Wanda were reading together.
She stood up and placed the book on the chair she was sitting on. She walked out to her boys, and helped them pack up their toys, watching them run inside once the yard was clean.
"Yelena, can you grab that for me?" Lori pointed to the fake cape one of the twins had cast aside.
"Sure." Yelena picked it up and turned to Lori, who was falling to the ground. Yelena dropped the cape as she caught Lori.
"Wanda!" Yelena yelled as she held Lori's dying body.
Wanda rushed out to find Lori's body limp and her eyes closed.
"Lori!" Wanda fell to her knees beside Yelena and grabbed Lori's hand.
"Bring her back, Wanda." Yelena begged, "Bring her back."
"I can't do that, Yelena. I can't." Wanda's eyes swelled with tears.

Exactly four weeks later, a letter would arrive at the house. Wanda would be the one to open it, reading it's words as she tried to find some peace.
Buried beneath the horrible handwriting, Wanda began to feel everything at once. The letter had been sent by an unknown person and each word made Wanda's heart ache. Her eyes lit up red.
"Don't do it." A familiar voice told Wanda, "Don't bring me back."
"But I need you." Wanda argued.
Lori shook her head as her translucent figure stepped towards her. Lori placed her hand on Wanda's cheek, "You are Wanda Marya Maximoff. Native of Sokovia. Your accent comes and goes, but the Sokovian comes through when you experience extreme emotions. You're a twin, your brother is Pietro aka Quicksilver. You're an Avenger, and a super friend. But most importantly you are a mother, to two beautiful boys. And my wife." Lori kissed her forehead, "You don't need anyone. But our boys...they need you. Bringing me would hurt them. Let them learn the natural order of things." Lori wiped away the tears which were rolling down Wanda's cheeks. "And don't. Don't teach them that you can use your powers to make the pain go away, because it won't help anything in the end."
"No one lives forever. That doesn't mean that they never loved you or needed you. I was who I was because of you and those who loved me." Lori smiled softly, "The pieces left of me," Lori gently touched her chest where her heart is, "Are the pieces left in you." Lori placed a gentle hand on Wanda's chest. "So let me go."
Wanda shook her head, "But I don't want to."
Lori looked into Wanda's eyes, "But you have to." Lori looked towards the group of heroes who were gathering behind Wanda - which included their young boys.
"But I love you." Wanda's stream of tears continued to fall. "I need my person."
"But it's about more than love, Wands." Lori looked back at Wanda. She then looked back at the heroes, "Take care of her for me." Lori kissed her on the forehead. "I love you Wanda. And no matter where I am, I will always love you." She smiled softly, "Goodbye Wands."
"Goodbye Lori."
Lori turned around completely, opening the front door - her body fading as she walked out.
Yelena looked down at the vodka in her hand, "Geez, maybe you were right Nat. Maybe I have had a bit too much to drink." She handed Nat the bottle.

Bonus heartbreak:

The letter -

There was tragedy in the way she held me. Trauma buried beneath the broken pieces of her bleeding heart. Every troublesome thought cowered from me as I touched her trembling, tormented, chest. I spent my time trying to heal her from the troublesome, torturous, thoughts filling every crevice of it.
She never knew I recognise the witch who's weeping, weary body which sat beneath the whomping willow. But now I wonder if she knew I could recognise the woeful, wretched world she was stuck in. I wonder if she was worrying that I would see her wounded soul, with wounds so deep she was afraid it would chase me away.
I know, even years after watching that wonderfully written sitcom, that her whimpering mind had weighed her down as her whimsical, wishful, soul tried to keep herself afloat.
But she'd never have known. She couldn't. That wonderful woman would've never known that she wasn't the only one who could feel the other one. Her wife, who was abnormal and, absurdly absent-minded, knew about the agony and alienation she had gone through. Because she recognised it through her own past. She had seen the same sides of the copper coins her witch had. And so she knew. Even without telepathy, the witch's wife could read her mind. Because she knew her heart better than anyone else.

Thank you for reading Stupid Supergirl AU's . It's because of you all that I had a reason to give these characters a life 💜

See you in book two,
~ Mightnotbeawriter

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