Fake Kara

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"Lena, it's me! I'm the real Kara." Kara begged.
"She's lying, I'm the real Kara." The fake Kara dismissed her.
"Lena, ask Kara something only the real Kara would know." Alex suggested.
"Okay fine. Who lit my kitchen in fire last week?" Lena asked the Kara's.
"It was me." Kara answered.
"It was Alex!" The fake Kara replied, "She lit the toaster on fire because she was hungry and forgot about the toast. Also, she put cheese in the toaster. Even I know you don't put cheese in the toaster."
"You can't put cheese in the toaster?" The real Kara asked the fake.
"Well, I know who the real Kara is." Lena shot the fake one with a Kryptonite bullet. "Kara, if you put cheese in my toaster, I will shoot you."

~Two hours later~

"Kara! What did I tell you about putting cheese in my toaster?!" Lena said, shooting Kara.
Kara sighed heavily, "It's a good thing I'm bulletproof."
"Alex! I need to borrow your missile launcher!" Lena called out to her.
"Why?" Alex called back?
"I want to shoot Kar-"
"Not in my house you don't! Get out and go to the desert!" Kelly yelled at them.
"Oh right." Lena nodded as Alex handed her the missile launcher, "Fly us to the desert."
"It's a good thing Kara is whipped for her." Nia said to Brainy.
"What if Kara leaves her there?" Brainy poses the question.
"J'onn can go get her." Alex shrugged.

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