I shouldve just made this a book

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Marvel X DC Pt whatever

"Guys, was the fruit orange named after the colour, or was the colour named after the fruit?" Lorelei asked everyone.
"Oh my god, that's a good question." Cassie looked like she was deep in thought.
"Hate to interrupt, but I have a quick question." Nia cut in, "What's the name of the boat from that Titanic movie?"
"Is she serious?" Wanda asked Kara.
"Probably, let's see how long it takes for Lorelei to get frustrated." Kara replied.
"Nia, seriously? That's the question you ask?" Carol facepalmed.
"Yeah? I mean, I love that movie. But what was the boat called?" Nia questioned.
"The Titanic." Nat replied.
"Yeah, that movie. You know, the one with Jack and Rose and that really great Celine Dion song."
"I actually didn't like the song." Darcy shrugged.
"Yeah, it was pretty overrated." Lorelei agreed with Darcy.
"Guys please! I have to write a report on it, Andrea wants to read if I can write about history." Nia begged.
"Guys she's just asking a simple que- ohhh" Cassie caught on, "Yeah, Nia's pretty stupid."
"What? Why?" Nia asked.
"The boat is called the Titanic!" Alex pointed out.
"Okay, I'm going to go ask Lena about some science stuff because I need a break from this." Nat stood up and walked out.
"I'm coming with you." Kelly followed Nat to Lena's lab.

"Lena, your daughters are being stupid again." Nat watched as Lena did an experiment. Lena handed Kelly and Nat a pair of safety glasses and latex gloves.
"I'm not surprised. What does Lorelei want to know?" Lena asked.
"If the colour orange is named after the fruit or the other way around." Kelly piped in.
"The colour orange is named after the appearance of orange fruit when it's ripe." Lena replied.
"Thanks, I'll let her know." Kelly rushed out to find everyone arguing.

"Colour!" Nia yelled.
"Fruit!" Lori argued.
"Coincidence!" Carol yelled, making everyone look at her. "What? I don't like to pick sides."

Kelly backed back into the lab and closed the door.
"Nat, your idiot is being a bigger idiot than the rest." Kelly warned.
"Okay, maybe we shouldn't leave those three alone."
"And Wanda looked like she's going to kill them." Kelly added.
"Text Wanda to get in here. I don't need another stained carpet." Lena told Kelly.
Kelly sent the text and Wanda soon appeared in the lab.
"Oh thank god. It's getting worse. They're now arguing about if they should play Twister or not. Nia is saying no because she doesn't want to have to watch Cassie and Lori make out again. Also, apparently every time you guys play Twister, apparently someone gets stabbed." Wanda explained.
"Yeahhh not my strongest hour." Lena rubbed the back of her neck.
"Who did you stab?" Nat asked.
"Oh no, I didn't stab anyone, I fell on a knife." Lena admitted, "Someone knocked a knife on to the floor and I fell off the counter top."
"Oh my god. You're one of them." Kelly gasped.
"Only when I drink beer."
"What are you drinking now?" Nat gestured to the cup on Lena's table.
"Oh that's my I-Hate-Living-Here whiskey." Lena looked at it, "I drink it whenever Lorelei displays signs that she's like Kara. I already have to put up with Kara and Nia. I don't need a third Kara."
"You didn't have to adopt Nia or marry Kara-"
"Or get pregnant with Lorelei." Wanda cut off Nat.
"Yeahhh all of which were decisions I made while drunk."

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