Baby Lena and Adult Lex

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"Wex! I swear to god, I'm gowing to kill wou!" Lena yelled.
"How did you even get here?" Lex looked down at his sister.
"I dwove."
"Lena! You can't drive! You're three!" Lex picked her up and took her inside the coffee shop.
"Put me down!" Lena struggled.
"We're not doing this in public Lena. Go home. Who is still grown? Alex? J'onn? Mon-El?" Lex asked, looking through Lena's phone, "I thought dad was dead, why do you have his number?" Lex farrowed his eyebrows.
"Wou fink I would hafe de '🥵' emoji beside dada's name?" Lena narrowed her eyes at Lex, "Gife me my phone!"
"Oh ew! That's Kara's number!" Lex glared at her, "I swear to god Lena-"
"Vat?! You're gowing to hit me? Wook at me Wex! I'm un-touch-able! Wou can't hit a todwer in pubwic!" Lena got all cocky.
"Where is your adult?" Lex pushed, "Is it Kelly?"
"Nooo." Lena said adorably.
"Then who?"
"I'm now tewwing." Lena pretended to zip her lips shut.

~ Two Hours Later ~

"Oh no. She's a child again." Lillian looked at Lena sitting on a stool - dangling her legs off it.
"MoOom! Wex is twying to kill Kawa again!" Lena pointed at her brother.
"She's kinda cute, can I tape her mouth shut though?" Lex requested.
"No. We have to give her back to Kara." Lillian shook her head, "If she cries, you can tape her mouth shut though. God I hated that cry."
"Why?" Lex asked.
"Because it made me have motherly instincts." Lillian answered.
"MooOom." Lena followed Lillian, "I want Mr Snuggles. I know wou still hafe him."
"No. He's in the attic." Lillian crossed her arms, "And I'm not going up there."
Lena made puppy eyes at Lillian.

~Twenty Minutes Later~

"Fank wouu mommy!" Lena smiled happily as she cuddled the stuff bear.

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