Group Chat (next day from previous chapter)

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Queen of Chat 👑 (Lori) : Friendly reminder that most of the group are hungover #AlcoholicsAnonymousIsAwaitingYouAll
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : You really had to change my name?
Wallet 💵 💳 (Lena) : At least she didn't change it to Snuggle Wuggle bear
Emotion Hooker 👩🏽‍⚕️ (Kelly) : Or the wide range of pet names Carol called you
Prince Not-Charming 🤴 (Mon-El) : Was this after Winn and I snuck out?
Computer Boi 🖥 (Winn) : I think after
Evil Grammy 👵 (Lillian) : Trust me, I'm happy I left before everyone started drinking
Good Grammy 👵 (Eliza) : Same
Space Gramps 👴 (J'onn) : I didn't even get to go
Queen of Chat 👑 (Lori) : How do we keep forgetting to invite J'onn?
Snorlax 😴 (Nia) : No clue, but I woke up this morning and I'm officially scared of myself. I wrote down plans to nuke the planet.
Smarty Pants 🧠 (Brainy) : You kept saying that Kara is like a cockroach because she can survive a nuke. Then you planned out how to nuke the planet.
Snorlax 😴 (Nia) : yeahhhhh that sounds like drunk me
SuperDork 🦸‍♀️ (Kara) : Please don't nuke the planet.
Wallet 💵 💳 (Lena) : To be honest, if Nia nuked the planet, all of my problems would disappear.
Emotion Hooker 👩🏽‍⚕️ (Kelly) : so would you
Wallet 💵 💳 (Lena) : Bold of you to assume that I'm not my own problem
Queen Alexandra 👸 (Alex) : Same though Lena
Emotion Hooker 👩🏽‍⚕️ (Kelly) : my home office. Now. Both of you. And Nia.
Snorlax 😴 (Nia) : I dreamt of this!!!
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : well I mean, that is literally your superpower
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : btw that's pretty lame
Queen Alexandra 👸 (Alex) : Coming from the hero who wrote down "sass" and "has a great ass" as her powers
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : For the last time. I did not write that, someone hacked my file
Lightbulb💡 (Carol) : That could've been me
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : How did you even do that?
Lightbulb💡 (Carol) : Nick Fury is literally my best friend and you're his adopted murderchild. I had access to your file long before you were even an Avenger
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : So that time you just happened to accidentally bump into me while I was on a mission, was actually not an accident at all?
Lightbulb💡 (Carol) : Oh no. That was an accident. I was actually trying to avoid you that day because I had ate your leftovers without realising they were yours. Nick said they were his and then he confessed after I finished eating them.
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : THAT WAS YOU?! I literally yelled at Fury for that!! I need to call him and apologise.
Magic Hands 🥵✨(Wanda) : oh no, not another character
Queen of Chat 👑 (Lori) : yayyyy Wanda's awake!!
Wallet 💵 💳 (Lena) : Don't you even think about skipping work to come see Wanda
Queen of Chat 👑 (Lori) : this is why you should've had another kid. If I had a brother or a sister, they could've ran L-Corp while I stayed home all day with Wanda.
Wallet 💵 💳 (Lena) : knowing my luck, I would've had a child who was exactly like my brother. Its bad enough I already have a child who is exactly like my wife.
SuperDork 🦸‍♀️ (Kara) : wait, what?
Wallet 💵 💳 (Lena) : oh honey, we both know it's true
Sexier Russian 🇷🇺 🥷 (Yelena) : one, you guys are so annoying. I'm literally in so much pain and I don't remember how to mute you all
Sexier Russian 🇷🇺 🥷 (Yelena) : and two, why is my emoji a ninja?
Queen of Chat 👑 (Lori) : oh because there's no assassin emoji. The ninja is the closest to it.
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : At least your name isn't science related
Queen of Chat 👑 (Lori) : oh I'm sorry Cuddle pots, would you prefer Softy Little spoon? Or perhaps McCuddle-Wuddles?
Latrodectus 🕷 (Nat) : Nope! Never mind. But couldn't you have just left it as Widow Maker?
Queen of Chat 👑 (Lori) : absolutely not. We do not stan murder in this chat.
Queen of chat 👑 (Lori) : Just outside if it.

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