Just Drop Me

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There they were, flying through the sky. Kara had Lena in her arms.

"Lena, can I tell you a joke?" Kara asked.

"If it's bad, I'm going to-"

"What do you call a Billionaire with green eyes?" Kara started to grin.

"What?" Lena glanced up at Kara.

"My best friend." Kara smirked.

"Just drop me." Lena thought aloud.

"What?" Kara asked, "What's wrong?"

"What did I do to make you think I wanted to be your friend?" Lena snapped.

Kara pouted, "But I thought we moved on from the whole me being Supergirl thing."

"No, what did I do to make you think I wasn't completely in love with you?" Lena paraphrased.

"W-what?" Kara's eyes widened.

"I love you Kara, as more than a friend."


"So you left her on the rooftop of the DEO?" Alex asked, sighing heavily.

"I DIDNT EXPECT HER TO LOVE ME BACK!" Kara yelled at her sister.

Alex looked at Kara, "She filled your office with flowers, bought Catco etc. and you legitimately thought she didn't love you romantically?"

"To be fair, she thought she was straight." Nia defended.

"I read her mind, she is 100% no straight." J'on gave Kara a grossed out expression.

"Sorry J'on."

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