You're The One (YNTO pt2)

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Part 2 to You're Not The One

There Kara stood. Across from her reflection. She sighed heavily as she inspected herself. Her dress, a classic ballgown with little-to-no bedazzle. It as plain white, there seemed to be nothing special about it. Just how her partner wanted it.
She had been left alone with her thoughts for the past two months. Lena hadn't been answering her calls or texts. Kara was even sent away every time she went anywhere near Lena's office. Kara thought she was marrying the love of her life...but what Lena admitted had been stewing away, on the stove top Kara calls a brain. She was pulled from her thoughts as Alex entered the room.
"Kara, you look amazing." Alex complimented.
"Thanks Alex." Kara blushed brightly red.

"Kara, can I ask you something?" Alex asked.
"Sure." Kara shrugged.
"You love Lena, don't you?" Alex interrogated.
"What? Why would I be in love with Lena?" Kara asked. She was clearly confused.
"Well, I know that you bite your lip when you talk to her, check out her butt and cleavage constantly. Also, you literally try to spend every waking second with her. Sounds like in love to me." Alex pointed out.
"Alex, I-"
"It's okay to feel these things Kara. It's perfectly normal. I just don't want to see you unhappy. And you've been unhappy for the past two months, especially since Lena admitted she was in love with you." Alex tried to comfort her sister.
Kara pulled Alex in for a hug, tears streaming down Kara's face. "I have to marry him/her. I love him/her."
"But you're in love with Lena." Alex rebutted.
"She thinks I hate her, but I don't. I just don't know how I feel. I'm confused." Kara sobbed.
"Then call off the wedding. Take some time to figure it out." Alex suggested.
"No, I need to do this. Lena has already let me go. It's too late for me."

And a few moments later, Kara was standing across from her partner. She read her vows, but she sounded emotionless, like she didn't mean a word of it.
"Do you, ____ ____, take Kara Danvers to be your lawfully wedding wife? To love her and to cherish her 'til death do you part?" The priest asked Kara's partner.
"I do." They responded.

Lena came into view, standing at the doorway. Kara caught sight of the CEO and turned to face her, then back at her partner.
"And do you, Kara Danvers, take this man/woman to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife? To love and to cherish 'til death do you part?" The priest questioned Kara.
Kara looked to Lena, who nodded indicating that Kara should say yes. But Kara hesitated. Lena looked concerned and farrowed her eyebrows. Alex watched as the two locked eyes. Kara was making a decision.
"I d-"
Kara was interrupted by Alex tapping her on the shoulder, "This is the time to follow your heart, not your head."
Kara looked around as everyone started to wonder what was happening.
"I know you can hear me, Ms Danvers. It's time to say 'I do,' and finally have the love you truly deserve." Lena whispered, looking into Kara's eyes.
Kara turned fully towards Lena, "No." She answered the priest. "I don't. I realised my heart belongs to another."
Everyone turned to see Lena standing at the door. J'onn, Eliza, Alex and the others smiled widely. Finally, Kara has admitted her feelings... and before it was too late.

Kara started walking back down the isle, where she was meet halfway by the Luthor. "You have to be sure, Ms Danvers."
"The only reason my eyes made you feel like you were home was because they were filled with love for you. And only you." Kara smiled softly, resulting in a wide smile from Lena. "I love you Lena Kieran Luthor."
"I love you too Kara Zor-El Danvers."
The met for a passionate kiss and Kara's spark returned.

After explaining everything to Kara's partner, Supercorp went to Lena's apartment. They ordered pizza and potstickers and watched movies 'til the early hours of the morning. Lena fell asleep with her head in Kara's lap. Kara carefully picked Lena up bridal style and carried her to her bed.
When she laid Lena down, Lena's hand latched around Kara's wrist, "Stay with me tonight."
"Are you sure?" Kara asked.
"Yeah. I missed feeling close to you." Lena admitted.
Kara giggled and laid down beside Lena. She took the CEO into her arms.
"There's something you should know about me." Kara said.
"And what's that?" Lena looked like she had braced herself for the worst.
"I have poor self-control and I will adopt a puppy. So if I were you, I'd get a bowl and stuff ready." Kara said smiling.
Lena sighed in relief and smiled widely, "One puppy and one puppy only. We'll see how you handle one."
"Thank you, Lee."
"You're welcome. Now goodnight my hero." Lena peaked Kara's lips and snuggled closer.
"Goodnight my geek."

Aurthor message thingy

@Liya1117 thank you for requesting a part two

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@Liya1117 thank you for requesting a part two. I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoyed this part.

Don't forget to send through requests if you have any. Below are some of the current requests.

• Back In Diapers (alternative characters)
• Nia and Kara get drunk
• Another "Kid From The Future"
• "Supercorp, but give them swords" (ahhhhh)
• Lena meets Morgana and Other Katie McGrath characters (why????)
• If We Were Vampires
• And a surprise which I wrote ages ago but someone wants me to post.

Keep in mind they won't be posted in this order, they'll be uploaded when I'm finished them

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