How The Assistant War Started

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Lena rested her head on her arm as she tried to keep herself from falling asleep.
"Miss Luthor, I made you a coffee." Jess smiled warmly as she moved the costa towards Lena and placed the mug on it.
"Thank you Jess." Lena smiled as a gesture of gratitude.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Jess held her hands behind her back.
"Could you take these papers down to the lab?" Lena handed Jess a file.
"Of course Miss Luthor." Jess took the folders and began to walk out.
"Jess, can I ask you a question?" Lena stopped her from leaving.
"Yes of course." Jess rushed back in and closed the door. She walked to Lena's desk and sat opposite her.
"Am I in love?" Lena asked Jess.
"With Miss Danvers?" Jess clarified.
Lena nodded softly, "Yeah, with Kara."
"Yes you are."
"Hope, shut up before you go out the window. Miss Luthor asked me." Jess crossed her arms, "Tell me how you feel when you're around her."
"Like I'm safe. Emotionally. Honestly, I feel like if she left, it would be the death of me. I feel like my heart is trying to say her name with each beat." Lena explained poorly.
"You feel like she's your weakness? But also your strength?" Jess added, "It's the one thing you've never felt for anyone. And that maybe, just maybe, you can do all the good in the world, that you can eradicate all the bad...all the pain...that your family created? And maybe with each touch, each word, you're creating a story that's better than any romance novel you could ever read?"
"That got...incredibly deep."
"Sorry, I guess I'm just a sucker for love." Jess chuckled nervously, "But in short, yes Miss Luthor. You are in love with Miss Danvers."
"What do I do?" Lena buried her head in her hands, "How do I tell her?"
"Calling Kara Danvers." Hope's automated voice cut through.
Jess picked up Hope and threw her out the window, "Yeet the trash!"

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