Ice Skating

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"Okay imagine with me." Lori's voice got everyone's attention, "Disney on Ice but it's just two people who can't actually skate and they're trying to retell every Disney movie in under an hour."
"Oh my god." Nia said aloud, "I would watch the hell out of that."
"Same." Alex added.
"Petition for auntie Kara and auntie Lena to be the ice skaters." Marcus petitioned.
"Oh my god! Yes! Gay Disney on ice!" Lori thrived off Marcus' idea.
"What about me?" Nia asked, "I'm queer and filled with fear. Why does it have to be only Lena and Kara?"
"For your information, I am actually a fantastic ice skater." Lena sat beside Lori, pushing Mon-El off the couch.
"Really? You? A good ice skater?" Alex crossed her arms.
"Do I have to rent out an ice skating rink to prove it?"
Lori and Nia looked to one another and Lena already knew the answer.

~Four hours and a lot of bruises later~

Lena, Sam, Kelly, Nia and Lori were graceful on the ice, where else everyone else kinda sucked. Kara fell on her face more times than anyone could count.
"What's Kryptonian for aunt Kara sucks at ice skating?" Marcus asked Lori.
"It's similar to I fucked your girl last night." Lori defended her mother.
"Lori!" Kara and Lena jinxed.
"What?!" Lori got defensive, "He said you suck!"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the rink, Nia and Kelly were acting out scenes from Disney movies. Brainy was having a breakdown in the corner and Winn was face planting into Mon-El's stomach - which we all know was totally on purpose.
"Why can't I do it? It's basic science." Brainy whined.
"Because you suck at sport." Lena teased him.
"Lena, don't bully Brainy." Kelly narrowed her eyes.
"It's not bullying Kelly..." Lena looked to Brainy, "It's how I show affection."
"You have too many issues for me to keep track of." Kelly shook her head, "And if you keep bullying Brainy, I will show Kara your file."
"Oh no! No, don't do that." Lena panicked, "Brainy, I'm so sorry!"
"That's what I thought." Kelly skated off with Nia as they started acting out the Lion King.
"I want to be Simba!" Lori complained.
"Lori, you are more like Pumba or Timon. And if you don't start singing Hakuna Matata, I'm going to Hakuna Matata you into the sun." Nia threatened.
"Great lord in heaven, why have you forsaken me?" Kelly looked up to the sky.
"Because you're a little bitch." Echoed through the rink.
"Well then. Fuck you god."

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