Alternative End to Earth-38

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This one I wrote when the Crisis came out but I thought it was too sad to post. One of my friends suggested I post it anyway.

Lena and the team of super friends worked tirelessly to try to get people off the planet. People ran frantically, afraid they might not escape. Screams of terror and parents panicking could be heard all over the world.
"I need to find Sam!" Lena yelled to Alex, "I heard she was in town, I need to know if she made it out!"
Alex looked around, "Go! We can handle this!" Alex yelled back, helping a little boy off the ground.
Lena nodded and rushed off. She looked at her watch, then back at the sky. She reached her partially destroyed lab. She looked at the, somehow, still working monitors. She leant on the desk for support as the Earth beneath her feet rocked the lab. Glass shattered as the CEO fell to the ground. Parts of the walls collapsed on top of her legs.
Out of pure instinct the woman yelled, "Kara!" Even though her mind told her Kara wouldn't come to her rescue, her heart told her to have hope.

When the blonde didn't show, Lena accepted her fate. With her legs trapped under rubble and tiny pieces of glass forcing blood droplets down her pale skin, Lena decided to admit it all. She pressed a small button on a keypad she could barely reach. She was going to send this transmission, and she only had minutes, if not seconds, to do so.
"Kara, if you're somehow hearing this...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I reacted how I did." She teared up, "I know using my family history against you is one of the most cruel and selfish things I've ever done. It's not fair to you because none of that is your fault." Lena struggled, blood pooled beneath her arm and the trickle of blood, which flowed from her mouth, made at least part of her cheek feel warm. Even though the rest of her body felt cold. "Kara, if you can hear me...whether you come to my rescue or're my hero, you always always will be." Lena started to cough up millilitres of her own blood. "But please. Please Kara, I need to know you forgive me....or at least think you have. I know I don't deserve it, but please. You're my peace Kara...I love you."

Lena prayed the crisis would take her before she died from the pain of feeling her own blood seep out of her wounds.

Meanwhile Kara was fighting to protect her Earth as best she could. She heard Lena's blood-curdling scream for her, followed by the sound of bones snapping. But as she disappeared towards the wreckage, that was once Lena's lab, the monitor appeared before her.
"Kara Zor-El, please return to the fight."
"Lena is trapped, I have to save her." Kara refused to return to the battle, not while Lena was dying. "Please, I have to...I have to give her peace. I owe her that much." Kara begged.
"Supergirl, they will fall without you. Miss Luthor would rather you save the world, than just her life."
"I can do both." Kara said confidently.
"I think you're referring to your super speed? Even with the speed, you will not make it back in time. You will die if you do not return to the fight." He refused to let her go.
Reluctantly, the blonde hero turned around, rejoining the fight. She couldn't help but listen in on Lena. She heard the CEO choking on her own blood. She heard Lena's weakening heartbeat. She heard the sound of Lena's tear drops rolling off her cheek, followed by the sound of a blood-soaked cough.
"I'm so sorry Lee...I'm sorry I can't save you." A rage sparked inside Kara as she heard Lena's final difficult inhale, and a weaker exhale. She heard Lena's hand hit the ground of her lab. She heard the sound of one final tear drop hitting the ground. She closed her eyes, hoping that she was having another nightmare. But the sound of Lena's final second never stopped. She didn't hear Lena miraculously survive, just as Lex had. She didn't hear Lena give up hope. But Kara prayed and hoped that she didn't just hear Lena call Kara the love of her life. The only true love of her life.

"LENA!" Kara exclaimed. Her eyes lighting up a burning shade of orange-red. Kara's heartbreak and anger got the better of her, scaring even her fellow heroes. Using her heat vision, she destroyed everything in her path. From her lungs, a heart wrenching scream makes its way into the ears of everyone that surrounds her. She turned to the monitor, "I could've saved her!" Kara clenched her fists to the point her knuckles turned white. "I should've saved her! She probably died thinking I was a liar! That deep down I hated her! I should've been there to say it back!" Kara screamed towards the emotionless man.

Clark and Barry tried to hold her back from attacking the Monitor.
"This was how it was written." The Monitor replied.
Kara managed to pull herself from the men and grabbed hold of the monitor, letting her eyes once again heat up. "Bring her back! Bring her back to me!" Kara demanded.
"I cannot do that, it will change everything."
"Bring back Lena!" Kara demanded once more.
The heroes stepped forward, preparing themselves for a possible fight against their friend.
"Kara, when we stop this Crisis, we will save her." Sara butt in, stepping towards her fellow blonde.
"What if it were Ava?!" Kara turned to face Sara, "You'd be trying everything you could to save her!"
"That's different, Ava and I are together. You and Lena are just friends." Sara replied.
"I wanted her to be more!" Kara admitted. She finally realised how angry she was as she stepped backwards, away from the group. She spoke again, but this time her voice was a soft and shy sigh, "I wanted her to be more."
"We'll save her. I promise. But we have to go, this Earth is seconds away from vanishing." J'onn stepped in.
Kara hesitantly nodded, "Okay."
The Monitor snapped his fingers and they were in a version of the Waverider.

Oliver laid on the bed, eyes closed. The Monitor gave Kara her second demand, give Lena a funeral. Kara began to talk, "Lena...I heard everything. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. But I forgive you. I forgave you as soon as you did what you did, in fact, I forgave you before I forgave myself." Kara took Lena's hand in hers. "I love you Lena. More than you ever knew. I thought I was going to lose you if I told you who I was...and I ended up losing you anyway. You were, and always will be, my truest love." Kara kissed Lena's forehead, then wiped the tears away from her own face. "I love you too Lena."
Kara slowly and reluctantly wrapped Lena in a white blanket.

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