A Wee Bit Closer

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"Lori's going through this phase where she says wee instead of small. And it sucks." Wanda admitted.
"Ohh is that why she looked at Mon-El and said you have a wee bit, good sir?" Alex asked.
"Probably." Wanda replied, "She also keeps referring to me as her wee partner. And if she doesn't stop, I'm going to throw her out of that wee window."
"Oh my god, Nat-"
Natasha, without looking up from cleaning her gun parts, "Babe, if you so much as think about it, you will be single."
"It's a wee bit closer to Halloween! Why aren't you guys decorating?!" Lori glared at them.
"We don't want Team Christmas to win!" Lena glared.
"This is why I wanted to go with Kara. They get super competitive every year." Sam groaned.
Yelena, wearing Lori's costume, "I'm going to destroy my sister."
"God damn Yoshi!" Lori pretended to simp, "Looking good Supergirl."
"Thanks Lori." Yelena smiled.
"Do you think Nat would lend me her costume? It's the only one I can't get a replica of." Lori asked Yelena.
"She won't even let people borrow her pen. Good luck trying to get her to give you something she puts on her body." Yelena flopped onto the couch.
"But I borrowed Carol yesterday to help me with shopping." Lori joked.

~Three days later~

"Wandaaaa I need you to conjure up something." Lori walked into their bedroom, watching as Wanda tried on costumes.
"What is it?" Wanda turned around.
"Well, I may or may not have broken something that Mom always puts out for Halloween and Winn accidentally threw it out and the bin man's already came-"
Wanda cut off Lori's rambling, "Is it the Nightmare Before Christmas thing?"
Lori nodded, "Yeah. I usually wouldn't ask you to use your magic like this, but-"
"Lori, it's okay." Wanda stepped towards her, "Leaving the door open when I'm half naked is a problem though." Wanda used her magic to close the door.
Lori laughed awkwardly, "Sorry."
Wanda went to the bed and reached underneath it, "Yelena grabbed it before the bin man came." She pulled the box out, "She tried to fix it, but couldn't so Alex and the others tried to help. When they couldn't, they came to me and I just used magic."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Lori thanked her, "I love you so much." She said without realising what she said and rushed out of the room. Leaving Wanda standing there. Lori rushed back and kissed her cheek then rushed back out of the room.
"Stop leaving the door open!" Wanda yelled and used her magic to shut the door.

~Two hours later~

"Lori needs to start closing her and Wanda's door." Sam said, "I saw Wanda's boobs today because she was getting changed and I walked past the room."
"Why'd you look in?" Alex pointed out.
"Oh I'm sorry that their room is right at the end of the hallway." Sam's sarcasm filled the room.

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