Me or Her pt 3

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"I told you Alex, Wanda is real. And I'm going to prove it." Kelly said, suiting up to go to the Marvel world.
"Kelly, if Wanda erased our memories of you really think bringing her back will fix things? Won't it just hurt Lori more?" Alex asked.
Kelly looked at Alex, "I'm tired of you all running from your trauma. Wanda and everyone else needs to face things. Lori has to make that decision. She can't keep living in a a state of happiness that was fabricated by Wanda because Wanda was afraid to get hurt again."
"I guess you have a point." Alex sighed, opening the portal, "Remember to contact me if anything goes south."
"I will." Kelly kissed Alex, "I won't be long."
"I'll see you soon." Alex hugged her, then let her go.
Kelly disappeared through the portal and found herself in the middle of a fight against Hydra.

"Kelly?!" Natasha yelled.
"Don't act surprised." Kelly held the shield and began taking out some of the soldiers. "Where's Wanda?"
"I don't think she's too far away." Natasha said, seeing Wanda's red magic scoop up cars and throw them.
"Why are you here?" Natasha asked.
"Because I know what Wanda did." Kelly replied, knocking a solider out cold.
"We're surrounded." Nat looked around, "Babe, now would be a good time to help!"
"I'm kinda busy!" Carol yelled as she was busy trying to not get shot.
"I've got you Nat." Wanda yelled as her magic took out everyone surrounding Nat and Kelly.
"Thanks Wanda."
"You're welcome." Wanda nodded to Nat.
Kelly protected civilians with her shield as parts of buildings and cars flew towards them.

After the fight, they all returned to the Avengers compound. Wanda knew the lecture that was about to take place.
"Wanda, you have to undo it." Kelly told her.
"Why? Lori's happy. That's all that matters." Wanda refused.
Kelly pulled out a file and handed it to Wanda, "She feels lost. Like she's not whole. Is that what you want for Lori?"
"She can't love me, Kelly."
"It's about more than love, Wanda." Kelly smiled small, "You can't control who you fall for. I know you're afraid of getting hurt again. But I've never seen Lori more willing to give away everything she knows - everything she has - for someone or something. And yes, I know that's terrifying. That someone loves you that much that they are willing to risk it all, but that kind of love is so special and so rare. And I know you're willing to do the same."
Wanda shook her head, "I can't. As you said, this is about more than love."
"If you keep making her forget, then she's never going to be who she's supposed to be. She's Supergirl because she looks up to heroes like you. She's, temporarily, running L-Corp because she knows she can take it." Kelly took the file off Wanda, "Without you breaking her heart, she'll never learn that lesson. A lesson she needs to learn."
"Fine." Wanda gave in, "I just don't want to hurt her."
"Oh Wanda. Good people never jump into things with the intent to hurt somebody. But sometimes, you have to be the lesson...rather than their blessing." Kelly hugged her.

Meanwhile, Lori shot up from the bed she was sharing with Cassie.
"Wanda!" She yelled, her eyes swelling with tears.
Cassie woke up soon after, "You would've chose Wanda?"
Lori looked back at Cassie, "I'm so so sorry."
Cassie looked away, getting out of the bed, "Goodbye Lorelei."
"No, wait." Lori grabbed her hand gently, "Cassie-"
"No." Cassie pulled her arm away, "I deserve better than that. I don't deserve to be the second choice. We weren't in an open relationship, Lori. You were." Cassie walked out of the room.

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