Crisis On Infinite Earths (Earth 1 death)

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As the sky turns red, the whole planet stops. Animals run towards their owners, loved ones cling to each other for dear life. There's no escape, not this time. People praying for their heroes to save them- but they never came.

Alex clung to Kelly, like a baby Koala to it's mother's back. Brainy opened his arms for Nia, who ran to him in both fear and love. But one of the five remained on her own. Miss Lena Luthor, raised her chin and welcomed death as an old friend.

Alex and Kelly met for, what was sure to be, their last kiss. They cried, wishing they had more time. Alex dreamed about their wedding and Kelly dreamed of all the marriage counselling they'd be forced to go to. They forced themselves apart and looked towards Brainy and Nia. They offered their arms out to the couple, which they gladly joined. The four of them, cuddled together, fearing what awaited.

"Lena...join us." Alex offered, reaching out to the raven-haired, overly emotional, CEO.

"Fine. But this doesn't make us friends." Lena scoffed, joining the others. Lena kneeled beside Alex and wrapped her arms around the DEO's director and Dreamer.

"We may not be friends, Lena...but you'll always be one of us." Nia said, forcing a smile through her tears.

Lena just smiled back. It was obvious the woman felt nothing. She was empty. Her body was here, but her soul was already gone.

They witnessed everything being destroyed before their very eyes. Trees, people, animals. Gone.

But in their last moments, they clung to each other. Though, Lena Luthor made no change, except a little sound escaping from between her lips.

"Did you seriously just moan?!" Nia exclaimed, looking wide-eyed at Miss Luthor.

"What the fuck Lena?!" Alex added.

"Why did she moan?" Brainy asked, looking to Alex for answers.

"You need therapy...tell me about your troubles-" Kelly started.

But they were soon ripped apart from each other. The same thought running through each of their minds. Did Lena Luthor really just moan in the face of death?

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