At The Fair

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"Lori, I want to hear those five very special words." Lena said while holding the four-year-old's hand.
"I really love you mommy!" Lori smiled.
"I live you too, but I didn't mean those words. Try again." Lena looked down at Lori.
"Ummm, pickles don't go on burgers?" Lori farrowed her eyebrows, similarly to what Kara does.
Lena let out a small chuckle, "No. That's what your ma tells you. Not me. What do I want to hear from you?"
Lori went silent as she looked to the candy floss machine, "I don't know."
"Lori." Lena said a bit more stern.
"Fine! I promise I will behave." Lori crossed her arms in a fuss.
Lena smiled, "Thank you my precious girl." Lena looked to Kara, who was also drooling over the candy floss, "You too Kara."
Kara didn't look at Lena, "Aww thanks babe, love you too."
Lori giggled and tugged on Kara's shirt, "You're sharing my bed tonight."
"What? Why?" Kara looked between them.
"You weren't listening to mommy." Lori made Kara bend down so she could whisper in her ear, "She wants us to behave."
"Oh," Kara rubbed the back of her neck, "I'm sorry Lee, that candy just looks really good. And I promise I will behave."
"Good." Lena smiled softly, "Now go take our daughter to get some candy floss. I have a speech to make."

~ Towards the end of the speech~

Lori ran up on stage and hugged Lena's leg. Lena picked up Lori and Lori wrapped her arms around Lena's neck.
Lori whispered into Lena's ear, "Auntie Alex, auntie Nia and ma are covered in ice cream." Lori then yawned and laid her head on Lena's shoulder. She quickly fell asleep like that and Lena rushes to finish her speech.
Sure enough, she found Kara, Alex and Nia covered in ice cream. Turns out that the mischievous four-year-old was the only one who kept the promise that day.

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