I'm a Top?

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After Lena's confession, the doppelgängers sat around the room waiting for Lena to open the portal back up.
"I have a question." Morgana piped up.
"Okay?" Sarah raised her eyebrow, "What is it?"
"What is a top and a bottom? Zara said I was a top. What does that mean?" Morgana questioned, hoping for an answer.
Katie and Lena looked to one another, "I'm not telling her." They jinxed.
"It means the role you play when you have sex. If you're the dominant one, you're the top. If you're the submissive one, you're the bottom." Saskia explained to Morgana. "Long story short; Lena, Lucy and Jules are bottoms. You, Gloria and myself are tops. Katie, Zara and Sarah are switches." Saskia continued her explanation.
"I'm not a bottom." Lucy crossed her arms.
Katie chuckled, "Yeah you are."
"So I'm a top?" Morgana asked again.
"Yep, which is why I said I'd kill you." Katie admitted, "In a game of kiss, marry, kill. Not like here."
"Wait, wait, wait." Jules interrupted, "Does that mean you're actually a t-"
"The portal is open!" Lena yelled, "Please, go home now."
"But I have more questions!" Morgana whined.
"And I have a nice bottle of whiskey I want to open as well as a sexy Kryptonian I want to fuck my brains out. So please leave so that can happen." Lena replied.
"What a bottom." Zara rolled her eyes.
"She's definitely a pillow princess." Sarah mumbled.
"Actually, I'm a power bottom." Lena crossed her arms.
"A what? Please explain." Morgana looked around.
"Similar to a bottom, but a specific variety. A power bottom tends to be in charge, and feels most powerful when bottoming; the one who bottoms is the one on the "throne" so to speak, "taking" the Top." Saskia read from the Urban Dictionary.
"Oh god. I really don't want to be here anymore." Jules looked at Lena, "I'm going."
"I'm starting to think that I might be a power bottom." Lucy looked around.
"Jules, you should make some t-shirts and bring them next time we do one of these." Saskia suggested.
"Next time?" The rest jinxed.
"I'm destroying this portal." Alex interrupted, kicking them out of her universe.

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