Do You Wanna See...

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"Guys, we should do something tonight." Kara looked at the group.
"Like what?" Lena asked.
"We could do a games night?" Kelly suggested.
"We could do a group therapy session, curtsy of Lena's wallet." Nia nudged Kelly.
"Or we could-" Kara was cut of by Brainy and Alex walking into the room.
"Hey Nia." Brainy walked over to her, "Do you wanna see my wood?"
Lena, Kelly, Kara and Nia choked on their drinks.
"It's such nice wood." Brainy said, pulling a chuck off wood out from behind his back.
"Oh my goodness, it actually is really nice wood." Nia admired it.
"Brainy! That's not what I taught you." Alex shook her head, "It's supposed to be a pickup line! Where'd you even get that chunk of wood?"
"You told me I should offer Nia my wood...I'm offering Nia my wood." Brainy looked at Alex, "Is this not what you meant?"
"She meant your penis Brainy." Lena blurted out.
"Andddd therapy is it." Kelly shook her head.

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