Adult Lori (after her delinquent years)

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{This chapter is from Lori's point of view}

"Lorelei." I heard call from the doorway. I stood there, letter in  hand.
"Ma..." I turned to see her, still in her Superwoman suit.
"What does it say?"
I knew she could see straight through my hands. I knew that if I didn't speak up, she'd read it for herself. But she stood there, waiting anxiously for my answer.
"Where's Mom?" I questioned, scanning the house for her.
"She's at her office. Why?" Ma questioned.
"I promised to tell her first. So...can you go kidnap her from her work?"

I waited on the couch for them to return. I was worried about what Mom would say. But the door thrusted open - almost falling off its hinges. Mom rushed in, almost tripping over the carpet.
"Mom." We locked eyes. I'm pretty sure she knew what that letter said just from looking at me. She always knew what I was thinking by just looking at me.
Mom took a few steps towards me, Ma was close behind her. The others in the house gathered around the room as she stopped, just two steps before reaching me.
"It looks like one of us are finally moving out." I said nervously. Seconds later, the words sunk in and Mom hugged me tight.
"I'm so proud of you." Mom held me tight. "So so proud of you." If I wasn't Kryptonian, I'm pretty sure she would've crushed me.
But with those words, I gripped the letter in my hand and hugged her back. Ma was quick to join the hug, then one-by-one the others did too.
Auntie Nia mentioned something about celebrating, which scared Mom because usually our celebrations end with her buying a new carpet...or a new house.

A week later, everyone would be helping me pack up my stuff. Mom rented a storage unit so I wouldn't have to worry about shoving all my stuff into my small dorm room.
"Maybe we shouldn't pack up everything. She is coming back...right?" Marcus asked.
"I don't know Marc. I mean, if I'm going to NYU to study the arts, I might end up moving somewhere that I can forward my career." Lori rubbed the back of her neck.
"Hang on, we never discussed-"
"Kara." Mom cut her off, "She's an adult, she's free to make her own decisions." Mom picked up the teddy bear I've had since I manipulated Auntie Nia into getting it for me. "We've done our part. And as much as it may hurt to see her's her choice, her life." Mom walked over to me, handing me the bear, "She's no longer a little girl anymore. But she will always be our daughter. L-Corp employee or not. Supergirl or not. She is us. And, no matter where she goes, she will always be welcome to come home."
I casted the bear aside, letting it fall on the bed as I hugged my mother.
"I love you."

A few years later, I would be graduating from NYU with multiple diplomas in Art, Science and Mathematic areas - each course paid for by the curtesy of Mom's wallet. As I made the move to LA, my phone would ring.
"I'm sorry to tell you this over the phone Lori but...Lena got injured on a mission." Auntie Alex's voice echoed around the walls of my head - causing my heart to sink. I swear I could feel it physically break. It didn't take me long to fly as fast as I could to where my mother was. I landed close by and rushed into the DEO's infirmary.
I stayed there, everyday - refusing to go home. I hoped that she'd wake up. Every day, afraid that if I lose hope, she would go.
"I should've been there." I told the figure behind her.
"There's nothing you could've done." Aunt Sam placed her hand on my shoulder.
"But I-"
"Lori." Ain't Sam sat on a chair beside me, "Do you really think that Lena would want you to stay here? To waste your days watching her die?"
"I'm not watching her die!" I stood up, "She's not going to die!"
"Lori." Ain't Sam stood up, "It's okay to accept the possibility. It doesn't make her chance of survival any less. It just means it'll hurt slightly less."
"No, I refuse." My eyes swelled with tears, "Shes my mother Aunt Sam. I need her."
Aunt Sam pulled me into her arms, "Hey, you don't need her." Aunt Sam's voice was much more soothing as it was just moments before. "You needed her to be born, you needed her to teach you right from wrong, you needed her to drive you to school, you needed her when you were becoming you. And now look at you. You're smart, creative, beautiful, don't need anyone. Yes, you want her to survive. So do I. But you do not need her." Sam back away from me, "Everyone is destined to become memories in one way or another. Just be thankful she will be a cherished one. A great memory that will make your heart sad and happy at the same time. And maybe a little angry. But she will be your best memory. That's why you're in pain, because she gave you a good enough reason to miss her once she's gone."
"I don't want her to go. I don't want her to be a memory." I shook my head.
"I know Lori, neither do I. But we have to accept that it might be the case."

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