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As Lori, Brainy, Lena, Eve and Hope conducted experiment after experiment; Brainy found himself explaining every aspect of it to Lori, who hated the fact that Brainy thought she wasn't as smart as everyone else.
"Okay okay Smarty Pants, I get it. You're smarter than me." Lori finally gave in, "But if you don't shut up, I will show you just how far a Kryptonian can far a twelfth level intellectual." Lori threatened.
"Lori, don't threaten Brainy." Lena glared at her.
"He started it!" She argued.
"I did not. She did." Brainy pointed to Lori.
Lori smacked his hand away from her, "Point at me again, I dare you."
"Dare accepted." Brainy pointed at her once again.
"MoOom!" Lori complained, "Tell him to stop."
"Both of you knock it off." Lena told them both.
"This is what I get for wanting to be apart of the Science Bros." Eve shook her head.
"I only joined for the t-shirt, hat and mug." Hope gestured at her shirt and hat.


"So what's your power?" Lori asked Carol.
"Well, I do this." Carol's body started glowing.
"So you're a glow stick?" Lori gave her a puzzled look.
Carol shook her head, "No, it's just my power surging. I can blast things and fly and-"
"You're still a glow stick." Lori shrugged.
Carol groaned, "Nat-"
"No babe, you know that she's going to call you that. And so are the rest of us. I love you, but you've dug your own grave." Natasha relaxed in her chair.
"Quick question. It's super awkward, but I have to know... when you and Nat are going at it and you, ya know, finish, do you glow?" Lori asked her.
"Lori!" Every jinxed.
"What?! It's a perfectly logical question." Lori defended herself, "Wanda's eyes change."
"Lori!" Wanda yelled at her.
"What?!" Lori got defensive.

"I'm going to admit this because you're you." Nia looked at Lori, "I had a prophetic dream about you and Wanda."
"What?" Lori looked at Nia, "Is everything going to be okay?"
"I mean, uh, yeah. I guess. It was more about your private lives." Nia admitted.
"Oh. So you had a sex dream about Wanda and I?" Lori asked.
"I didn't want to!" Nia got defensive.
"Oh my god! You had a wet dream about us." Lori got up, "Wanda, baby! Nia said we're going to bang!"
Wanda, without paying attention replied with, "That's nice sweetie."
"She's not listening to me." Lori looked at Nia, "That means I can think whatever I want for the next few minutes."
"Don't you dare start asking-"
Lori cut Nia off, "Was I the top?"
"NO! I am not answering that question! I want to forget the dream, not relive it." Nia stormed off.
Lori pulled out her phone, already changing Nia's contact name.

"What are you doing?" Yelena asked Lori.
"Oh, I'm playing Mario Bros." Lori kept her focus on the screen.
Yelena gave her a puzzled look, "What's Mario Bros?"
"You don't know Mario?!" Lori looked surprised.
"I was six when I went to the Red Room. We weren't allowed video games and stuff because of the Western agenda." Yelena admitted, "So I never got to play."
Lori's expression saddened for a moment, "Do they always start that young?"
"Natasha was younger." Yelena looked to Lori, "Young girls removed of their free will early on. All they ever know is pain and murder...and how to inflict it. None of them able to make their own decisions. Mission after mission, body after body." Yelena noticed the sad look on her face, "But, we're getting out. And Natasha and I got out."
Lori looked down for a moment, then scooted over allowing enough room for Yelena to sit beside her.
"Come, sit down. And let me give you a part of the childhood you never got to have." Lori offered her a smile and her personal controller.
"I wouldn't know what to do." Yelena looked at the controller in her hands.
"That's why I'll teach you. No one picks it up immediately."
Lori showed her the fundamentals.
"Who should I pick?" Yelena asked.
"Pick the green dinosaur looking thing. It's name is Yoshi." Lori looked to Yelena, "Huh. Yoshi."
"Don't." Yelena pointed at her, "Don't you dare."
"Yoshi Belova." Lori nodded to herself, "You're new nickname."
"Whatever." Yelena looked at the screen and scrolled through the characters, "Then I get to call you...Luigi."
"Deal." Lori shook her hand, then continued to show her the game.

"I really don't know why I have to do this." Wanda looked at the group.
"Because you are the only one with magic hands." Carol pointed out.
"But Lena will kill me if I allow this to happen." Wanda argued.
"Look, we're just going to kidnap Natasha and bring her back here." Lori told her, "We're not breaking any rules."
"Lori, you're literally going to kidnap Natasha because she's going to tell Lena about the fact that she caught us banging." Wanda pointed out, "And Carol's only here because Nat's going to tell Lena that she ripped Lena's suit jacket."
"And?" Carol asked, "We're literally screwed if she makes it to Lena."
"Also, Mom might kill you for defiling her daughter." Lori shrugged, "But if you wanna die."
Wanda sighed, "Fine." Wanda used her magic to kidnap Natasha.

"So about what Carol said about you having magic hands..." Lori looked to Wanda, "Wanna show me what those magic hands do?"
"I'm contemplating wether or not I should throw you out of a window. So it's probably not in your best interests that I show you what my magic hands can do."

"Lena, I need your credit card." Alex said, "Hand it over."
Lena handed Alex her credit card, "Make good choices."
Every five minutes someone else would ask for her credit card details.
"Wallet." Lori said without hesitation as Lena handed her the purse, "Thanks Mom."
"Why do I always pay for everything?" Lena looked around.
"Because you're the rich billionaire who finds out lives." Lori said without looking at her, "And I have to milk you for all you're worth now because I'm not in your will."

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