Kara and Nia Get Drunk

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Alex's phone was buzzing quietly in her pocket as she desperately tried to take care of her drunk sister.
"Kara, please. Just let me take you home." Alex was begging at this point.
"Kara? Who's Kara? I'm Superg-"
Kara was interrupted by Alex's hands on her mouth, "Kara!"
"What? It's not like glasses help hide my identity anyway." Kara pouted. She looked over to her right, "Oh my god! Karaoke!" Kara sped towards the microphone stand, almost tripping over the leg of a table.
"Jesus! Be careful!" Alex yelled in frustration.
"Alex, I don't feel so well." Nia said, looking towards Alex.
"Oh no, not you too."

A few moments later, Nia was dancing on the table and Kara was drunkenly hitting on Lena.
"Hey baby, you come here often?" Kara asked.
"Kara, we are literally married." Lena rolled her eyes, taking the drink from Kara's hands.
"Me? Married to you? That's impawssible. You're too pretty!" Kara bopped Lena's nose.
Lena sighed heavily, "Why are you like this?"
Kara continued to try to pronounce other words, "What if the Earth is actually flat and all the rich, powerful people are keeping it a secret."
"Kara, you've literally been to space." Lena shook her head.
"Maybe that's what the government wants you to think." Kara pointed out.
Lena sighed heavily, her patience was wearing thin. "Alex!"
"No! You deal with her! I'm trying to get Nia off the roof!" Alex yelled at Lena.
"How is she on the roof?"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" Alex exclaimed.

Nia jumped down and sat beside Kara.
"Maybe you're an actress." Nia pointed out.
"Or, get this. Maybe she's just drunk and going to have a bad hangover in the morning." Lena said as cryptic as her wife was being.
"Or you're mind controlling me!" Kara yelled, thinking that she had figured out some conspiracy.
Lena crossed her arms, "Say that again, Mrs Luthor-Danvers." Lena flashed her ring. "Say it again."
"She's going to kill you." Nia butted in.
"Alex, take me home. I'm scared." Kara said, begging Alex.
"Oh no, you've dug your grave. Now you get to lay in it." Alex folded her arms.
"This is because I'm a Luthor, isn't it?!" Kara started to cry.
Lena and Alex looked at each other.
"Now I know how you felt when I played that card."
"No Kara, it's because you're drunk." Alex rolled her eyes.

Eventually, Lena and Alex were able to, quite literally, drag Nia and Kara home. Lena struggles to pull Kara along.
"Kara, please! Use your legs!" Lena grunted.
"Legs? What are legs?" Kara asked.
"Nia, please stop clawing the ground! You're fingers are going to hurt tomorrow!" Alex yelled, trying to throw Nia over her shoulder.
"But I like the feeling!"
"Oooh, a lamp post!" Kara yelled, flying up and perching herself on top of it like a cat.

Alex managed to take Nia home, but Lena still struggled with trying to get Kara down.
"Babe please! I'm tired and want to go to bed!" Lena begged.
"Then join me! I'll cradle you!" Kara yelled back.
"No babe, come down please!"
But Kara refused. Minutes turned to hours.
Four hours later, Lena had finally called the DEO for help. Alex shot a tranquilliser dart at Kara, which managed to knock her out. J'onn caught her and they gave Lena a lift back to her home.
J'onn threw Kara on the bed and Lena thanked him for helping. Lena crawled into bed and pulled Kara close to her. She slowly drifted off to sleep.


Lena's eyes opened to find her on top of Kara, floating in the air above the bed. She hadn't gotten any sleep and she had a meeting today.
That is when Lena swore that she'd never let Kara drink...ever again.

Hey guys! So this one goes out to @CloseRoses and @i_dontknowa_username! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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Hey guys! So this one goes out to @CloseRoses and @i_dontknowa_username! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Don't forget to send through requests if you have any. Below are some of the current requests.

1. Another "Kid From The Future"
2. "Supercorp, but give them swords" (ahhhhh)
3. Lena meets Morgana and Other Katie McGrath characters (why????)
4. If We Were Vampires
5. Kara meets Katie McGrath's characters
6. A surprise which I wrote ages ago but someone wants me to post.
7. Katie McGrath gets instagram
8. Kara cures Baby Lena

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