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"Alex, math is not my strong point." Nia complained.
"And you assume it's mine?" Alex raised an eyebrow.
"You have a PHD!" Kara pointed out.
"We have a Lena." Alex rebutted.
"Lena!" Nia called out. Lena came walking in, unaware of the current situation.
"What is it?" Lena asked.
"We're helping Nia with her math. She's not very good at subtraction." Alex informed her.
"Okay, Nia, if you have four dogs and someone asks for one. How many do you have?" Lena asked.
"Firstly, if I had four dogs I wouldn't need you guys. Secondly, I'd have four." Nia answered.
"Okay fine. If Kara had four do-"
"ARE WE GETTING FOUR DOGS?!" Kara yelled excitedly.
"No! It's a hypothetical situation. Anyway, if Kara had four dogs and I asked for one, how many dogs would she have?" Lena asked.
"None. But you'd have four because she's a simp for you. Actually, you'd probably have like eight because she wanted to impress you." Nia replied.
"She's not wrong." Alex looked at Kara, "You would do that."
Kara got defensive, "Yeah well, if I asked Lena for a dog, she'd buy every dog shelter in National City."
Kelly tried to step in, "Hang on, this is off top-"
"What? No! I only did that twice." Lena nodded.
"Actually, three times Lena." Alex pointed out.

As Alex, Kara and Lena continued to argue, Kelly looked at Nia.
"This is going to last a while, want to get ice cream?"
"Yes please." Nia smiled, "But you're paying right? I don't have money."
"Why don't you have money?"
"Oh because I broke into Lena's laptop and covered it in caramel so she's taking the money out of my pay. Also, I've been obsessed with buying these pop figure things." Nia explained.
"And suddenly I don't want to know anymore."

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