Im sorry

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"We're figuring this out." Lena told Alex, "I want everyone in my apartment in twenty minutes. No one is to be late."
"Sure, okay, but what's happening?" Alex asked.
"Someone committed a crime, and I'm going to find out who did it." Lena walked off, leaving Alex to wonder what happened.

When the twenty minutes go by, everyone is gathered in Lena's apartment. Everyone except Nia.
"Sorry I'm late! I fell asleep on the train and ended up in Gotham. Batwoman had to give me a ride back. I'm so so sorry Lena." Nia explained.
"It's okay Nia, I didn't even request for you to be here. I know you wouldn't have done it." Lena smiled at her.
"Done what exactly?" Kelly asked.
"Well, the suspects are Kara, Alex, Brainy, Sam, Winn, Mon-El 'cause I don't trust him, and Lex. And since Lex is dead, we can't blame him." Lena pointed out.
"Why am I a suspect?" Brainy questioned.
"The first time Lena picks me for something and it's because I 'committed a crime against her.'" Mon-El crossed his arms.
"Okay but why is Kara a suspect? She's literally Supergirl...and your girlfriend." Sam pointed out.
"Can someone please tell me what the crime was?"
"Well, I found my kale in the trash, there's red wine staining my brand new carpet, there's a knife wound in my couch, my window is smashed, my laptop is missing, and I found Hope buried under the kale." Lena crossed her arms, "So who did what?"
"The Hope thing was me." Jess admitted, "She's a bitch and frankly, I'm better than her."
"Well that solves that one." Lena sighed, "Jess, you were my first...but I'm sure we can work something out between you and Hope."
"No." Hope's voice said, "She's a hoe. She's such a hoe that Santa Clause can be heard calling for her every Christmas Eve."
"Oh that's it!" Jess launched herself at Hope, but was stopped by Kara, "Let me at her! Let me at her!"
"We're just going to ignore that?" Nia asked, "Also, how'd Jess even get in here?"
"She's a secretary. Lena's secretary. You could lock her in a cage and that woman would break out to throw Hope into the sun." Alex told Nia.
"Ooo good idea Alex!" Jess pointed, "YEET THE BITCH!"
"Alternatively, don't."
Kelly sighed heavily, "I'll get my notebook."
"Before Kelly goes...the knife was me...the wine stain was Kelly." Alex told Lena.
"No it was not." Kelly denied.
"Yes it was, remember I stabbed the couch and you freaked out and spilt your wine." Alex recollected.
"Why were you even here?"
"Oh, we broke our couch and wanted uncomfortable couch sex." Alex admitted.
"Ew, ew, ew! I didn't want to hear that." Kara squirmed.
"And I'm leaving before Lena kills me." Kelly said, already running towards the door.
"The laptop was me." Nia admitted, "I wanted to show Brainy a cat video and my laptop wasn't working." Nia lowered her head, "I'm really really sorry Lena."
"It's okay Nia. You could've just asked me to get you a new one though." Lena smiled softly.
"But whenever someone asks you to buy them buy the company...and no offence but I didn't want you to become the owner of Apple." Nia sighed.
"Okay, I understand...where is my laptop?"
"Nia spilt caramel on it and got really upset. Then she called it a 'candy apple' which made her laugh through her tears." Brainy answered.
Kara laughed and high-fives the guilt-ridden Nia, "Nice one! Candy apple, oh my god!"
Lena glared at Kara, "So I need a new laptop?"
"Well...yes." Nia looked away from Lena, "I'm really really really really am so so so so so so very sorry." She apologised.
"It's okay Nia."
"The window was Mon-El!" Winn blurted out, "I'm so sorry man, but Lena's scary and I'm bad with secrets."
"What did you do to my window?" Lena raised her eyebrow.
"Um so remember games night? And how I somehow got in? I may or may not have flown through the window..."
"She's going to kill you." Winn whispered towards him.
"Anyway, it was nice seeing you again Kara. I'll be going now." Mon-El said, walking towards the door and by-passing Kelly.
"You're paying for my window!"
"Do you accept candy apples?!" He yelled back, quickly running out the door.
"Okay so all that's left is my kale." Lena looked around.
The room went incredibly quiet as Kara looked guilty. The longer the silence went on, the more guilty Kara looked. Until she snapped.
"Okay fine! The kale thing was me! I was worried that you were going to make me eat it again and I didn't want to! I'm sorry Lee."
"How could you Kara?" Lena teared up.
"I'm so sorry Lee. I just...I just let my hatred get the better of me." Kara stepped towards her, "I so so sorry."
"I can't believe this. How could you betray me like this? I thought you loved me."
"I do Lena, I really do. It's just, I'm so sorry. I know now that I did this to protect myself.. I should've told you what I did, but I was so scared. I kept thinking that I've hurt you so many times that I should just bury this and not say anything. But I know now that was the most selfish and cruel thing that I've done to you throughout our relationship and I am so so sorry. I am sorry." Kara let her tears fall, "So sorry."
Lena stood there, tears in her eyes, "I need time Kara...just give me time and space."
"Lena please."
"No Kara. Just...leave me alone." Lena walked out of the apartment, leaving Kara standing amongst the rest of the people.

Two days went by. Lena was sleeping in the discomfort of her office at L-Corp. Every text message and phone call from Kara had been ignored. But that didn't stop Kara from listening, from watching, to make sure if Lena was okay.
Lena found her way back to the apartment. Despite how hurt she was, she still loved Kara and it was their anniversary. She didn't expect Kara to do anything or to say anything. She just wanted Kara to let her be in the same room as her. Even if Lena didn't want to speak to her.
She unlocked the door, unaware of what was on the other side of the door. When she opened it, she stood in shock.
Kara was standing in the middle of the room.
"Happy anniversary?" Kara said, unsure if Lena was there for her.
The room was filled with bunches of flowers. And every surface had containers of kale on top of them.
"Kara...did you do this?" Lena asked, a reluctant smile pulling at her lips.
"I wanted to prove that I would never do something like that again. Even if I have to live in a swamp of kale. I will...for you." Kara stepped forward, still unsure of what Lena was thinking. "So that's what I'm going to do. I made us lunch...then I burnt Kelly made us lunch."
"And I know you might still be angry with me, so I got you this." Kara pulled a red apple out from behind her back, "I know it's not your fancy laptop...but if Nia spills Caramel on it you can eat it."
Lena finally smiled, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
"No, but you might want to prove it by buying a new oven..." Kara glanced over at the broken oven.
Lena chuckled, "I bought you something too."
"What is it?"
"I'm surprised you can't smell it." She handed Kara the boxes of potstickers.
"Oh my god! You are my favourite person!" Kara quickly kissed Lena then jumped on to the couch.

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