Lori Angst

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Lori actually goes to therapy. Alone.

"Hey Lori-"
Lori was quick to cut Kelly off, "I don't know how to say this. So I'm just going to spit it out." Lori stood awkwardly, still in her costume.
"Okay, okay, what is it?" Kelly asked, closing the door.
Lori fiddled with her fingers and rushed to sit on the couch. She kept her eyes looking as far away from Kelly as possible. Once the silence fell for about a minute, Lori spoke abruptly, "I-I killed." She branded herself for the disappointment, for the lecture. She gripped her eyes tight, but when Kelly was silent, she looked up at her to see Kelly visibly scanning every inch of her brain for a reply.
Lori sighed, knowing Kelly couldn't come up with anything. She stood back up and placed a hand on Kelly's shoulder, "I just...I just needed to tell someone."
Kelly grabbed Lori's hand, pulling her in for a hug, "Tell me everything."
Lori backed away and sat with Kelly on the couch.
"Well, most of us were on a mission-"

"Wanda!" Lori's eyes glowed as she saw Wanda being knocked out cold, blood dripping from the wound in the side of her head. Wanda fell to the ground, her hand seemingly stretching towards Lori as it laid itself upon the cold cement.
Lori rushed towards the villain, grabbing them by their shirt. Her eyes burning bright as she stared into their fearful eyes.
"Lori, don't!" Kara called out to her, "Don't do it."
Lori listened to Wanda's struggling heartbeat as Lena and the others pulled their attention to Lori.
"She's dying, Ma." Lori replied, anger and heartbreak drenching her words as them made their way between her gritted teeth.
"Then save her. You can't kill someone." Nia pointed out.
"They can, why can't I?!" Lori glanced towards Nia, returning her attention to the struggling villain.
"Because you're the hero. You're supposed to show mercy." Lena stepped forward, but was stopped by Kara, "Lori, don't stoop to their level."
Lori couldn't hear the Superfriends pleading for the villain's life. Her little heart couldn't stop bleeding every time she thought about losing Wanda. Then, Wanda's heart stopped. And Lori lost all control.
"You took her from me!" Lori yelled as the lazors from her eyes shot burned through the villain's eyes. They shot right through, slicing through the building behind him and lighting the bottom half of it on fire. She dropped his body, realising what she had actually done. She looked down at her hands, her once glowing eyes now swelling with tears as she heard Wanda's heart begin to beat faintly. She was so angry that she had imagined Wanda's heart stop. Scared enough to let herself lose control. Because taking his life was an easier thing to face than losing the love of her life.
"I-I-" Lori looked around at the scared, and disappointed, Superfriends.
Alex swallowed deeply, returning to her professional state, "Kara, you need to put the flames out."
"We need to search the bottom half of the building for survivors." J'onn told the group, flying over with Kara. Alex ran towards the building as Lori locked eyes with Lena.
Lena shook her head, knowing what Lori was going to say, "No."
"I'm sorry." Lori refused to cry, "I'm so sorry."
"Just go, Lorelei." Lena looked towards the burning building, "Just go."

"And then I came here. I didn't know where to go. I don't. I don't understand," Lori looked at Kelly with tears falling from her broken eyes, "Why can I never be the good guy?"
Kelly shuffled over, "You're still a kid, Lore." Kelly looked at her niece, "Yes you're twenty-five. But you're significantly younger than Kara when she first became a hero. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to let your judgement get clouded by emotions. That's a part of life. That's a part of this gig." Kelly sighed heavily, "So yes, you killed. And that's a horrific thing. But you didn't mean to break that building. You didn't mean to kill those innocents."
"But how do I explain that to their families? How do I fix this?" Lori asked for an answer Kelly new was impossible to give.
"You can't." Kelly replied, "But you can do better. You can strive to be better. It won't be okay, not for a long time. They will demonise you, but you will prove to them that you are not a monster. You're more human than you think."
"But where do I go? I can't go home. You should've seen the looks on my mothers' faces." Lori told her, "It was as if they lost me."
Kelly dug through her purse, "I have a small apartment that I stay in when I need a break from everyone." She handed Lori a key, "I'm staying there at the moment. But there's a spare bed that you can sleep on."
"Thanks Aunt Kelly." Lori gave her an obviously fake smile.
"How is Wanda?" Kelly asked.
Lori sighed, "They won't let me near her. I can hear her - feel her...so I know she's alive."
"At least she's alive." Kelly pointed out, "It'll be okay Lori. I promise you that."

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