Family Sports Day pt 2

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"The teams are being changed." Nia pulled Lori towards where everyone was gathered.
"This was Lori's idea. So Lori should be a leader." Alex said, "Team Lena vs Team Lori."
"I can't-"
"Lori, as your're now team leader." Andrea ordered.
"Fine. But what are the teams?" Lori asked.
"Team Lori consists of Clark, Lois, Wanda, Brainy, Nia, Mon-El, Winn, Marcus, Yelena, Eve and J'onn." Lena said, reading her notepad.
"Can I swap? I don't want to be on Lori's team. She tries to annoy me." Yelena requested.
"No. I need at least one sexy Russ-" Before Lori could finish her sentence, she went flying through the window.
Lena inhaled sharply, "At least she landed on the couch."
Lori flew out of the broken window, "We need stronger windows. Also, I definitely broke the couch." Lori landed beside Wanda.
"That wasn't even me." Wanda looked around.
"Sorry." Carol said, her hands still lit up, "That was me. I don't need Lori ruining my OTP by being horny for Nat's sister."
"Anywayyy, we've also changed the games." Lena said, "Because someone pointed out that Nat and Yelena have actually tried to kill each other."
"Not my proudest moment." Nat admitted, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I would've totally won that fight." Yelena said aloud, "She would've died first."
"First implies that there would've been a second or third death." Brainy pointed out.
"You'll be the first if you keep pointing out the flaws in my English." Yelena threatened.
"Okayyy you guys are on the same team. Shut up." Natasha told them.

Twenty minutes later, Lori would be pushed by Natasha, straight into mud, as it rained.
"Oh my god!" Lori squealed.
Alex stopped to laugh at the young adult, before being coated in mud by Wanda's magic. Wanda turned around, whistling as if she didn't do anything.
"Wanda!" Alex laughed.
"I didn't do anything."
Yelena offered Lori a hand to help her up. Which Lori took. Yelena, however, pushed her back into the mud.
"Why do you hate me so much?" Lori cracked up laughing.
"I don't hate you. You're just fun to mess with." Yelena shrugged, "No but seriously. This time for real, we're losing." Yelena helped Lori up.
"Thanks." Lori thanked her before rushing over to give Nia back up.
"Who thought soccer would be fun?" Lena glared at Sam.
"Oh, no, no, no. Don't blame me. You and Andrea had your knickers in a knot arguing over sports. I just promoted you both to end your arguing." Sam replied, stealing the ball off Nia. Which prompted Lori to steal it off her.
"Now I know why Lillian wants to kill Kryptonians." Sam shook her head at Lori.
"Who put Lori on a different team?" Eliza glared at Lena.
"I forgot that she's amazing at soccer." Lena shrugged, "Makes for some more fun though." Lena looked towards Kelly who was struggling to keep up with her daughter's fancy tricks.
"And millions of views on YouTube." Hope said, obviously recording the match.

Lori came face-to-face with Natasha, Team Lena's goal keeper.
"Really?! Y'all put an assassin as your goalie?!" Lori glared at them as she took the shot.
Nat blocked it, doing her hero pose once she did.
"Such a poser." Yelena rolled her eyes as the ball rolled towards her. She stopped it and passed it to Wanda.
"Wanda, the play!" Lori yelled at her. Her whole team nodded.
Wanda advanced only five meters before passing to Marcus, who immediately passed, letting it roll through Andrea's legs, to Mon-El. Mon-El then passed to Winn - who managed to copy Lori's fancy footwork to stop Alex from getting it, and passed it to Eve. Eve, who couldn't play soccer to save her life, accidentally passed it to Lena. Who thought Lori's plan had failed, until Clark stole it off her. Clark passed to Lois, who hated the fact that she had to play, but passed it to J'onn. J'onn managed to get past Lillian and Eliza, nearing the goal. He passed it to Brainy, who calculated the exact position Lori or Yelena would need to be in to make the shot. He then passed it to Nia, who sent the ball flying towards Natasha, only to have Nat block it once again. Wanda managed to stop it before any of the other team could. She then passed it to Lori, who managed to pretend to take the shot, only for Yelena to run behind her and send it flying towards the opposite side of the goal.
Natasha was shocked to say the least as she heard the buzzer go off. She stared at the ball which now sat across from her in the back of the net. She smiled towards Lori, "Nice plan Lori."
"Thanks Nat. But it was actually Yelena's and Brainy's plan. That knew that Eve would inevitably pass it to one of you and that Nia could give you a false sense of confidence by getting blocked." Lori turned to Yelena and Brainy, "Good work guys."
"Thanks Lori." They jinxed.
"I can admit when I'm beat." Andrea walked over, shaking Brainy's and Yelena's hands, "Good game you guys."
"Shall we play basketball next?" Eliza asked.
"Lori's good at that too. She was on the local basketball team since she was a kid." Kara shook her head, "We could do baseball."
"With Kryptonians? No thanks." Hope looked at Clark.
"We could do Volleyball. No one here is particularly good at it. And it would be difficult for us to actually use our powers." Lori pointed out.
"Let's do it."

The teams ended up playing as many different sports as they could. But inevitably ended up tying in the end. The group were exhausted, but a siren would go off in the house, meaning the heroes were being called to duty.
"Oh you gotta be fucking me." Lori groaned.
"Not yet I'm not." Wanda replied.
"Can anyone throw Wanda out of the window?" Lena asked everyone.
"Yeah, but no thank you. Wanda is scary when she's angry." Nia said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that Nia can yeet people if she wanted to." Lori said.
"She can do more than just yeet people." Brainy pointed out.
"We know." They all jinxed, except Yelena.
"Really? That's so cool." Yelena said.

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