Help Me

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So this is an idea I had for a while. The dialogue is based off true events, but of course, altered slightly for story purposes.

Lorelei finally mustered up enough courage and heartache to face her grandmother...Lillian.
She sat in Lillian's lab, like she did once a month. With needles in her arm and blood being drawn from her, she looked towards the white cement floor. She could feel the cold radiating from it.
"Okay, Lorelei. We're almost done here. Any questions?" Lillian avoided looking at the teen.
"Why do you hate me?" Lorelei blurted out, finally looking up at her grandmother.
Lillian refused to answer, she just gave Lorelei an eye roll as she bottled up Lorelei's blood sample.
"Answer me!" Lorelei yelled.
"I don't hate y-"
"I know you do! I know the way you look at me! Don't you understand?! I'm as much Lena as I am Kara! I have your DNA! Don't you see,  all I've ever needed, all I've ever wanted, was for you to look at me the way Eliza does! I needed you to look at me as if I'm not some monster, some betrayal!" Lorelei yelled.
Lillian stepped back from her granddaughter and raised her chin. "You are no Luthor. You believe in what Kara has brainwashed you to. You believe in Rao and that everyone has some kind of good inside of them."
Lorelei pulled the large, round kryptonite pipe from her arm. The deep hole in her arm made her stumble as she stood up.
"All I am to you is a Kryptonian?! I spent years trying to figure out a way to eradicate the part of me that is Kara! All I ever wanted was for you to love me, despite who I am! I can't change that Lilian, I can't change that I'm an abomination that should've never been born!" Lorelei teared up at her own words. Her lips trembled with each word, and her body tensed the angrier, and more heartbroken, she got.
"You're right about one thing, you shouldn't have been born. You are the reason I lost my daughter to that thing." Lillian pointed towards the picture of Lorelei and her mothers she kept on her desk to make Lorelei happy.
"No, Lillian, you lost your daughter when you first chose something else over her!"
"Oh please, I loved my daughter. She's the one who chose wrong." Lillian rolled her eyes.
"Look at me! Who's eyes do I have!" Lorelei took a step towards Lillian, "Who's hair do I have?! Who's intelligence do I have?!"
"You look like my daughter, doesn't mean you are my granddaughter." Lillian scoffed. She took a step back as Lorelei took a step away. The teen ran her fingers through her hair and Lillian made no change to her hardened facial expression as Lorelei fell to her knees.
"Don't you realise?! Don't you see that I am the same kid who watched you, who looked up to you?! Don't you see that I am still the kid that you once cared about?! Don't you see, Lillian, don't you see that I am still her. I'm still the kid I was before you found out about the Krptonian DNA. I'm begging you, Lillian, for once in your life please choose your family, your own DNA, over something as pitiful as what you're planning. Please. Don't kill me." Just as Lorelei said that, she started coughing. A thick mixture of red, white and green poured from her mouth as she looked up at Lillian with sad, heartbroken eyes. "Please, help me!"
Lillian made no change to her posture and stood there, watching her granddaughter fall to her side.
Lorelei laid on the cold cement in her own blood, saliva and the liquid kryptonite.
Lillian repeated the same thing she said earlier, "You really must stop seeing the good in people, especially when there's none to see." Lillian grabbed the picture frame, took the picture out and ripped it to shreds. She threw the ripped pieces on top of Lorelei.
"P-please." Lorelei begged, "Help me." Lorelei screamed in pain and choked on the concoction which continued to rise in her throat. "Lillian, I'm not Kara, I'm not Lena. If anything, I'm most like you. I share your eyes, your natural hair colour. Lillian, I'm you. And I need you. I need you to choose me over this plan." Lorelei's body trembled on the ground as she looked up.
Lillian made a slight change. Her face softened for a split second before she once again looked cold.
"Scream for your mother, not for me."
Lorelei rolled on to her stomach and reached towards Lillian. "I won't scream. I would rather die."
"The only thing we have in common is how stubborn we are." Lillian chuckled slightly.
"And our strength." Lorelei tried to push herself up. She stumbled to her feet, using the table for support. Lorelei raised her head, "I will not fall to someone I love. I will not fall to family."
"We're not family."
"Either way, I love you grandmother."
Lillian was taken back when she heard those words. Every time she felt something for Lorelei, she buried it. Every time she so much as cared for the child...even the time when Lorelei scuffed her knees, so Lillian got the first aid kit and helped Lorelei. Which is when Lillian found out she was part Kryptonian. Something finally clicked inside Lillian. She realised what she had been missing out on. Lorelei could've been her second chance at caring for a child, could've been her second chance at getting it all right. Lillian stepped towards the Kryptonian, but was met by Lorelei's eyes lighting up the burning orange colour.
"Stay away from me and my mothers!" Lorelei yelled, finally snapping. Everything inside of Lorelei was broken and it was Lillian who did it. "If you go through with this plan, I will do everything I can to stop you." Lorelei said, spitting out more of the liquid, "If you don't, I will happily move past this. I will happily continue these trips to see you. But I promise you, I will kill you if you do so much as look at my mothers wrong."

Lorelei flew away and collapsed outside of L-Corp. Lena, horrified at the sight of her daughter dying, immediately called everyone she could.
She rushed Lorelei into her lab, where her, Kara, Alex and Brainy desperately tried to help the teen. Lorelei's eyes closed as the lights beamed down on her pale face. Her clothes and body covered in the concoction Lillian brewed.
"We should've protected her better!" Lena cried.
"Crying won't fix this!" Alex yelled out of frustration and sadness.
Nia, Kelly, J'onn and Eliza watched as the teen struggled for oxygen. They held one another in their arms as the sight before them unraveled. Reluctant to admit what could be very close to happening, Lena looked at Kara.
"We're not-"
"We have too."
Kara agreed against her better judgment. Minutes later, Lillian walked through the doors of Lena's lab. She saw the young teen laying on the bed.
"I did this." Lillian sighed sadly.
Alex held her gun to the back of Lillian's head, "And you're going to fix this, or you'll join her." Alex threatened.
"You don't understand, there isn't a cure. It's already infected her right arm and both her legs. Unless you want to amputate, then I suggest putting her out of her misery." Lillian finally realised what she had done to her granddaughter.

A few days later, Lillian stood talking to Lena.
"She'll still be able to use her powers as normal. I even tried to replicate her skin using synthetics. She'll know something's wrong and she'll probably think she's more of an abomination. You have to remind her that she's still the girl who used to play with toy dinosaurs in your lab, remind her that she's as human as you amazing as she used to be."
"I knew about the secret visits." Lena blurted out. She sat beside her mother.
"You never stopped her? Why?" Lillian asked, looking towards Lena.
"Because sometimes...some monsters deserve a second chance." Lena smiled softly.
"I'm sorry...for everything. Genuinely sorry, and I'm sorry it took almost killing someone I care about to realise it. I was a terrible mother, a terrible person. I still am. I'm not looking for forgiveness this time. That would be asking too much. I just want to make sure Lorelei is okay." Lillian's face saddened.
"She's a Luthor. Stubborn yet strong, she'll be okay. She always has been and always will be because of what you've been doing." Lena leaned back in her chair.
"You seem hopeful."
"I married the paragon of hope, I learnt a thing or two." Lena smiled to herself, thinking of Kara. She softly touched the rings on her finger.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I guess I'm realising how much I missed because of my-"
"Insanity." Lena interrupted.
"Xenophobia." Lillian glared, "but yes, insanity too."
Lena sighed heavily, "Do you think she'll hate me for letting you do this to her?"
"She'll understand." Lillian stood up, "I have to go. Your brother is treating me to lunch. And I like lunch."
Lillian said goodbye to Lena.

Lena walked into Lorelei's room, watching the teen sleep peacefully.
"Ma?" Lorelei groaned, opening her eyes.
"Hey Lore." Lena forced a smile.
"I thought I heard you walk in." Lorelei smiled softly, "Where's mom?"
"Saving the city again."
"I should go and he-"
Lorelei was cut off by Lena gently pushing her back down, "There's something I have to tell you first." Lena took in a deep breath, "Lillian saved you."
Lore smiled happily, "I knew it! I knew she wouldn't let me die!"
"You don't understand. The poison had already set in. Your right arm, hippocampus and both of your legs-"
"I know. I heard. I'm not mad, I knew you were just trying to save me." Lorelei tried to sit up once again.
Lena helped her, "Sara Lance called."
"Did she find what I needed?" Lorelei perked up.
"Not yet. She called to tell you that she's coming to see you."
"When?" Lorelei asked.
"Probably three seconds from now, they're the Legends. They travel through ti-"
"How's my favourite teenager doing?" Sara walked into the room with Ava by her side.
"Good...all things considered." Lorelei smiled.
"Well, you know the Legends will always accept you no matter how robot, human or Kryptonian you are."

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