Therapy Whiskey

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"Lena, for the last time I am not letting you leave a bottle of whiskey in my office." Kelly rubbed her temples.
"But Kelly, I only open up when I drink whiskey!" Lena complained, "What if I gave you $100?"
"$2000?" Lena upped her offer.
"No, please take your whiskey and go."
"A share in L-Corp?" Lena offered again.
"For freak sake, no." Kelly refused.
"One of my credit cards that you can use to buy anything and everything and I won't get mad? I mean, I'm sick of only seeing Nia buying horse stuff and whatever dumb shit Kara is buying." Lena sounded like she was begging.
"Anything?" Kelly asked.
"Anything." Lena agreed.
"No! Lena, you can't bribe me into-"
"Dr Olsen, one of your clients just threw herself into the trash crying this is where I belong!" A woman informed her.
"Hand over the whiskey." Kelly said, taking it from Lena and pouring them each a glass. "Tell Miss Nal that I'm available in five minutes."
The woman nodded and closed the door.
"Therapy whiskey!" Lena exclaimed excitedly.
"Hand over that card, I need another source of income in case I lose my job because of you a-holes."

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