Lillian's Lab

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Jess rushed into Lori's office, "Ms Luthor, your grandmother is he-"
"Lorelei!" Lillian yelled angrily as she walked through the office door.
Lorelei took a few steps back, tripping over her couch. When she stood up, she leaned on the armrest, "Heyyy Lillian, what's up?" She asked nervously.
"Which one of your friends blew up my lab?" Lillian glared.
"Which time?" Lori tried to clarify.
"This morning!"
"Ummmm I don't know. Could've been Yelena." Lori shrugged.
"It was not Yelena, she's sitting on the couch you so graciously tripped over." Lillian pointed out.
Yelena glared at Lori, "I can't believe you tried to blame me!"
"It's not my fault that you're very blame-able." Lori defended.
"Who blew up my lab?" Lillian asked Lori again.
Wanda stepped forward, "It was me, let me pay for it."
"You're a responsible. So don't cover for my granddaughter." Lillian ignored Wanda's claim.
Yelena looked at Lori, "Kara was the last one there."
Kara landed on the balcony, walking in, "I heard my name?"
"Did you blow up my lab?" Lillian asked.
"No. As much as we hate you, Lena would kill me if I blew up science equipment. And I like being alive." Kara answered.
"Accurate." Lena pointed to Kara. Then turned her attention back to Lillian, "Have you asked Lex?"
"No, I can't even find my son."
"Ohhhh, that's because I locked him in a shipping container that was headed to China." Lori admitted, "He'll be fine though, I made sure there was enough food and water to last him."
"Should've let him starve." Lena mumbled.
Kara looked at Lori, shocked that Lori would do something like that, "We'll talk about that later."
"No we won't. You'll forget when Mom gives you food." Lori rebutted.
"Please Lillian, just let me rebuild your lab." Wanda begged.
"No. I'm not going to let you cover for them."

~Two hours later, in Kelly's office~

"Yeahhh I blew up the lab." Lillian admitted, "I just wanted to wanted Lena to pay for the damages."

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