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"I accidentally told my therapist I love her." Lena facepalmed at her own words, "so I texted her immediately after saying sorry, I didn't mean to tell you that. Then I felt really guilty, so I was like I love you, I just didn't want to tell you."
"What did she say?" Nia asked.
"Well, she texted me back saying at least you're talking about your feelings. We'll talk about this in therapy next week. And sent a heart emoji." Lena replied.
"Are we just going to skip over the fact that Kelly is her therapist?" J'onn gestured to Kelly who was busy sipping wine.
"Yes, otherwise she will make me open up. And Somebody drank all my therapy whiskey." Lena glared at Kara.
"In my defence, I thought it was really off Coke." Kara pointed out.
"I also had some of that." Kelly added.
"How are you two not dead yet?" Alex asked, "I took a sniff of Lena's whiskey and she tried to stab me."
"Well, I need Kara for sex and Kelly for therapy." Lena shrugged, "I need them."
"Also, she loves me." Kelly added.
"I don't need my sister-in-law falling for my wife-"
"But I'm not married to Kara." Lena crossed her arms.
"You will be, Nia and I have already planned it." Alex pulled out a folder with 500 pages of paper in it, "J'onn helped by reading your mind to know what kind of dress you'd wear. Also, stop thinking about my sister's boobs."
"You're thinking about my boobs?" Kara raised her eyebrow.
"Well I wasn't, but since Alex brought them up-"
"No!" Alex threw a cushion at Lena, "No traumatising me while we're talking about your wedding!"

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