Me or Her pt 4 (Final)

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"Welcome to National City's annual found raising event! This year, I am honoured to announce that L-Corp and Catco are sponsoring this year's event." The host started their long and boring speech.
"You guys did a great job." Nia complimented Lorelei and Andrea.
"Thanks, although Lorelei deserves most of the credit. She did most of the work." Andrea gestured to Andrea.
"That's nonsense. Catco did just as much. I just paid for most of it." Lorelei denied.
"You're too kind." Andrea smiled.
"Can we stop being so formal? This is weird for me." Nia requested.
"Yes, thank god." Lorelei felt like she could finally breathe as she hugged Nia.
Andrea laughed and gave Lori a quick side hug.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my two favourite CEOs." Lena hugged Lori.
"Mom! I'm so glad you're here." Lori smiled happily.
"Where's Kara?" Andrea asked.
"She's getting cotton candy." Lena shook her head. "It's been an amazing turnout so far."
"You should wait for Lori's performance later." Andrea said, "I was at the rehearsal. She's amazing."
"Thanks Aunt Andrea."
"You're welcome kid."
"Have you heard from Sara and the others?" Lori asked Lena.
"They're coming." Lena nodded.
"I can't believe it's been a year since the whole Wanda thing." Kara said, standing beside Nia. She handed Nia some cotton candy.
"Yeah." Lori seemed upset, but buried it, "Slightly more than a year."
"How is Cassie by the way?" Lena asked.
"She's good. She's travelling with Diana."

Hours passed and Lorelei was on stage. She was introduced and walked out.
"Now I know a lot of you don't listen to this kind of music but-" As Lori was talking she noticed a familiar face in the crowd. "I hope you all enjoy." Lori looked back at the band and grabbed her guitar. She began to sing and the familiar face immediately understood.
"I wish I never saw your face / And I wouldn't need a place to frame you in my mind / Hanging on the wall, my memories and all / But you're not tangible
Stuck on tentemental, the history we never had / Almost accidental, the way you live inside my head
I would kill to be a mile away / Or feel the breath you'll take / But fate won't let me / Distance disturbs me / Now I wish we never met / I wish I could forget who you are
Distance disturbs me / 'Cause we just can't connect / I found my one regret and it was you / Distance disturbs me"
To the redhead, the lyrics felt like someone had stabbed her in the heart.
"Separated by a scream, it's just a bittersweet / Success with a dash of failure / I'm hanging by a thread, intentions cut to shreds / I'm starting to loose my grip so / Someone please distract me, I need a new obsession / Am I just going crazy? / I'll never learn my lesson because."
When Lori repeated the chorus, Lena glanced over to see Wanda in the crowd.
"Oh." Kara said softly, "That explains things."
"Do you think this Lori's goodbye or her final attempt to get with Wanda?" Nia asked Kelly.
"I think she's trying to show Wanda how bad she hurt her." Kelly replied.
"If that were true, why wouldn't Lori just yell at her?" Alex asked.
"Because yelling never solved anything." Kelly replied. "Music is Lori's therapy. It always has been."
Wanda looked up at Lori, knowing that Kelly's words were true.
"Throw it all away, for just one rainy day / Throw it all away, for just one rainy day / With you, with you!" If it we're a ballad, the passion, the pain, in Lori's voice would've made everyone in the audience cry. But only Wanda could feel Lori's pain. She felt everything Lori felt. She couldn't stop herself from feeling it. Because they weren't Lori's emotions. They were hers. And Wanda knew Kelly was right. She had to feel them and she had to let Lori feel it too.
Lori made eye contact with Wanda as she sang the last line, "I found my one regret and it was you."
The audience erupted with applause as Lori was quick to make her escape from the stage.
Wanda pushed through the crowd as Lori walked away from her.

Lori approached her moms, but noticed that everyone was frozen in their place.
"We have to talk." Wanda said.
"Unfreeze everyone." Lori said coldly.
"I'm sorry, okay? I know I hurt you-"
"Hurt me?" Lori turned to face her, "You want to know what you did to me? I felt the moment you pushed your knife through my chest. The moment you smothered all flames we had lit together. The flames I had let consume every single flake of my soul. I felt you. I felt your hand wrapped around my bleeding heart. Your blood-stained hands, waving, teasing my heart. Then you finally ripped that bleeding muscle from my hallow chest. My useless body let you kill me."
"No. Let me talk." Lori snapped, " all my friends, my family were forced to tip toe around everything that could remind my mourning mind of you. Articulate their words so they wouldn't cut my wounds deeper. They had to tread carefully to avoid the fragmented glass that you smashed at my feet. It was them who had to convince me that love still exists. All because the love of my life decided to take it from me." Lori's fists were clenched. Her eyes were teary and her face had turned red. Her body shook and trembled as she continued to speak. "I laid there for weeks! Lifeless and loveless. So answer me this; was this worth it? You won't go to prison, though I can't breathe. And my heart is still beating, though it is bleeding. So, Wanda, I ask you this final can I still be alive, when I feel like I'm dead? 'Cause you didn't hurt me, Wanda. You killed me!"
"Will you just listen to me?!" Wanda yelled, "I had reasons, okay?!"
"And what were they?" Lori asked, crossing her arms.
"I was scared. And I know that doesn't give me the right to do what I did. But I thought you would've been happier with Cassie. I see now that wasn't my decision to make and I robbed you of that. I don't expect you to forgive me. I really don't. I just needed to come see you and explain." Wanda took in a shaky breath, "I lost my brother, my husband, my children, my parents. Everyone I've ever loved. And so I got so scared when I knew that you'd choose me. So I did the only thing I could think of to make you stop loving me. But it didn't work. I see now that you can't run from love. And yes, it might hurt. But pain is what shapes a person. I am so so sorry that I didn't know that earlier." Wanda's teary eyes met Lori's, "And if you'd let me...I would be willing to do anything and everything to make it up to you. Even going to see Kelly."
Lori looked away, "Are you going to hurt me again?"
"I can't say I won't. But that's not my intention." Wanda admitted.
Lori sighed heavily, knowing that she had hoped for this moment.
"Fine." Lori instantly regretted her decision, "We can go to therapy." Lori looked around, "Now unfreeze everyone."
Wanda nodded and did as Lorelei said.

"So is SuperScarlett happening?" Kelly asked anxiously.
"Depends on how I feel." Miss Writer Lady replied.
"Who the fuck are you talking to?" Alex looked around.
"I swear there was-" Kelly looked around, "I'll book an appointment for myself later."

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