Got You

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Yelena, Marcus, Natasha and Lena ran for their lives as their enemy chased after them. Lena pressed the panic button on her watch - notifying Kara immediately.
The three of them came to a cliff face. Behind them, the ground seemed to be rushing towards them, like a violent wave of forest floor and trees.
Looking over the edge, Lena took them all by surprise. "Jump!" Lena told them, "Have faith in the others." Lena took a few steps back, then ran towards the edge - jumping off it. Kara caught her and rushed her back to their HQ, where Lena helped Winn and Brainy with the science side of the mission. Kara used her heat vision to knock down some trees to prevent the enemy from getting to the others. But it was no use, it broke free.

Upon seeing the destruction behind her, Natasha was quick to follow in Lena's footsteps, and Carol caught her - blasting the enemy as she did. Carol put Natasha down in a clear area (where there was lower risk of her dying) and Natasha helped to take out the minions while the stronger hero's fought the unstoppable force.

"We have to jump." Marcus told Yelena.
"They both have partners to catch them. We don't. Who's going to save us?" Yelena pointed out.
Marcus gave her a puzzled look, "Partners saving each other is just a cliche audiences expect." Marcus smiled softly, "You're a super friend, there's always going to be someone to catch you. Partner or not." Marcus took a few steps back then copied what Lena and Natasha had done before him. He was caught by J'onn, proving his own point.
She had no choice as the wave of forest towered over her.
"Either way - this is such a stupid way to die." Yelena said as she jumped off the cliff, dirt and sticks flying by her as she fell. She hadn't noticed Natasha scream for her. From Nat's angle, it looked as if the earth had wiped her out or engulfed her in the dangerous liquid-like ground.
Yelena gripped her eyes tight as she plummeted towards the rocky bottom.

"Wanda!" Natasha yelled, pointed at her falling sister.
Wanda focused her magic on Yelena, but Lori beat her to it.
"I got you." Lori said reassuringly to the white widow, "I got you Yelena."
She opened her eyes to see her in Lori's arms - hovering above the ground.
"Thank god." Yelena sighed in relief as Lori flew her to Natasha.

Back at home, Yelena knocked on Lori's door.
"Come in." Lori said, pulling the sleeves of her blood-soaked suit off her injured arms.
Yelena stopped and stared, "I thought you were indestructible."
"Not exactly. I'm part human, so I still get hurt. Bullets bruise me, I can survive a grenade explosion and being thrown out of the window..." Lori looked down at her injuries, "But my bones can break, my skin can be sliced open, even without Kryptonite. It takes a lot of power, but I can get hurt."
"If I didn't jump-"
"You'd be dead." Lori glanced up at her, "It was my decision to save you. Mine, not yours. If you hadn't jumped; Natasha would've lost her sister, Carol would've lost her sister-in-law, Aunt Alex would've lost her gym partner, I would've lost my best friend." Lori's expression saddened, "You're family, Yelena. That's why, whenever you fall, I will catch you. No matter how many injuries I sustain from doing so. Because one day, you might have to be the one who catches me."

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