Marvel X DC part 3

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Natasha carried Carol to the infirmary, where Lena and Alex worked tirelessly to try to help her.
"I told you it wouldn't work." Wanda sighed. She sat on Lorelei's bed as Kara jumped around behind them on the bed.
"Wanda, you tried your best. That's all anyone asked for." Lorelei smiled small, "Besides, aside from my mother forgetting who she is, everyone else managed to age up. Carol is a fully grown woman. The only two left to fix are Kara and Nia."
"Do you think Lena is going to hate me?" Wanda asked.
"Let's put it this way, if Lena had to kick us out...she'd give you a light tap and Sparta-style kick me." Lorelei replied, resulting in Wanda laughing. Lorelei stood up and re-enacted the kick, which made Wanda and Kara laugh harder.
Kara copied Lorelei and fell on top of the pillow. Lorelei then picked her up and held her inches above the bed. She dropped her on the soft bed.
"Again! Again!" Kara stood up and reached out for Lorelei. "Again! Again!"
Wanda watched as Lorelei played with the four-year-old.
"You're good with kids."
"Thanks, it's because I can act like one." Lorelei looked at Wanda, "You know you were a great mom. And you'll get the chance again."
"I know, I just have to find someone I want to have kids with."
Lorelei cut through the sudden silence. "We should probably get Kara to Alex."
"Yeah, good idea." Wanda agreed.

"Oh thank god." Nat rushed to Carol as her eyes opened.
"Nat?" Carol looked towards the red-head
"Hey, you're okay. Thank god." Nat's eyes filled with tears, "I thought I lost you."
"There's something wrong with this world." Carol said weakly, "The's super old."
Nat thought for a second, "Like Wanda's?"
Carol shook her head, "No. Not like Wanda's. Like medieval magic."
"How do you know about-"
Carol cut her off, "Don't ask. It's a long story."
"We need to warn Alex."

"Something's wrong. Incredibly wrong." Alex looked at the screens. The teenager looked to Kelly, who was just as concerned.
"The energy signature just doesn't make sense." Brainy watched the sudden burst on the security cameras.
Nia's eyes went wide as she began to cry.
"What is it Nia?" Kelly asked softly.
"My dweam! It's coming twue!" Nia cried out.
"Nia...what dream?" Alex crossed her arms.
"Alex, don't push her. She doesn't remember." Kelly gently grabbed Alex's arm.
"I'm going to kill Wanda-"
"Alex, it was an accident. She was under a lot of pressure."
"Wanda Maximoff doesn't make mistakes, Kelly. You watched that damn show! She's the most powerful witch in her world." Alex clenched her fists.
"Oh my god, I forgot about hormones." Kelly rubbed her temples, "She's still learning. You've made mistakes and you're the best at what you do. You can be amazing at something and still make mistakes."
"She better fix my sister and Nia or I'm going to kick her ass."
"Has anyone seen Lena?" J'onn asked, "She told me she'd be here."
"No, not since we Lorelei arrived."

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