Life Update

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Hey guys👋
I know a lot of you don't read the life updates, but I really wanted to share this with you.

So the truth is, I am what some of you may know as a high functioning depressive. Meaning I do my responsibilities, I go to work etc. however for the past two years, I've been struggling with addiction. I became reliant on drugs/alcohol/cigarettes for some kind of feeling and to drain out the thoughts in my head.

Yesterday, I made the decision to get sober. For my own health. Though I am still fragile and struggling, I still want to write content for you guys. Lena's alcoholism won't be featured as much because it (obviously) hits too close to home. So while I am trying to fight my battle, we will be doing light & funny (zero alcohol) content.

I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from. Thank you guys for all the continued love & support on this book. It means so much to me.

With love & gratitude,
~ Mightnotbeawriter

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