Supercorp Fight

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"Are you kidding me?" Lena rolled her eyes in disbelief, "You can't seriously be thinking about that."
Kara stepped forward, "I'm just thinking about what's good for Lori."
Lena shook her head, "So you mean you're actually considering making her suppress what's in her DNA?"
Their four-year-old daughter walked into the room, rubbing her eyes after being woken up from her sleep, "Mommy, Mamma, are you fighting?"
"Of course not baby." Kara smiled small, "Go back to bed."
"But I can't get to sleep without Mommy." Lori yawned.
"Well Mommy is busy honey, can't you just go up?-"
Lori cut Lena off, "I can't. All I hear is you two fighting."
"We're not fighting." Kara and Lena jinxed.
"We're just...having a disagreement." Lena clarified.
"I'm not silly Mommy, I know that's a fancy word for fighting." Lori hugged her teddy bear, holding it tight against her chest.
Nia stepped in, "Hey Lori, do you want to go take a ride in Brainy's ship?"
Lori immediately rushed over to Nia, "Yes please!" She turned to her mothers, "Can I? Can I?"
"No." Lena said, jinxing with Kara's "Yes." They stared at each other for a brief second, before Lena gave in a changed her answer.
"Fine." Lena sighed, watching as the four-year-old rushed over and hugged Kara goodbye - forgetting to hug the brunette.

~Twenty minutes later~

"I don't ask you to make her suppress the Kryptonian side of her! Why should she suppress the magic?!" Lena argued.
"Because, Lena! Think of what might happen if she's a Kryptonian and a witch! What if she's like your brother?" Kara made her case.
"I can't believe you just brought Lex into this!" Lena glared daggers at her, "All you see her as is another Luthor! She's as much you as she is me, Kara. As much a Danvers as she is a Luthor. Why is it so hard for you believe that she's not going to turn out like him?!"
"Because I'm scared of losing her, Lena! I'm scared of her crossing lines that I can't pull her away from." Kara admitted, sighing as she sat down on the couch.
Lena shook her head and sat beside her, "You don't think I'm scared too?" Lena looked towards her.
"What happens if she-"
"It doesn't matter. Kara, you train her with her Kryptonian powers and I'll teach her magic. Good magic." Lena said while toying with her own hands, "Instead of fearing the worst, imagine how much good she could do."
"But she could do so much bad." Kara finally looked at Lena.
"So could you. So could I. Hell, so could everyone." Lena smiled softly, "Powers don't make you evil. Magic, flying, doesn't make the person. The ideologies, pain, fear...that's what can drive a person to do monstrous things. Both of us have lived through that. We know that for a fact."
"What if we can't save her?"
"Oh Kara," Lena tucked a loose strand of hair behind Kara's ear, "She's our daughter...she will never need saving."

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