Games Night

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"And this is an Xbox mother, you might recognise it from such ads as Introducing Xbox 360 and Introducing Xbox One." Lorelei said condescendingly to Lena.
"I know what an Xbox is Lori. I also know what you're forever on dishes duty is. And now you do too."
"And that's why you don't fuck with the woman of the house." Natasha pointed out.
"No. I don't fuck with the woman of the house because she's my mother and that's fucked up." Lorelei replied.
Kara choked on her water, "Lori, don't cuss."
"That's...that's what you saw that was wrong with that sentence?" Alex asked.
"The rest was factually correct." Kara shrugged.

Eliza forced Lillian to grab a controller as they stood up.
"I don't like games night." Killian glared.
"Make her play Just Dance!" Nia and Lori jinxed. "Oh my god, yes!" They jinxed again. "Double jinx, you owe me a soda!" They jinxed yet again. "Stop doing that." They glared at each other.
"Lillian and Lena verses Kara and Lori anyone?" Carol suggested.
"Let's do it!" Kara and Lori jinxed as they rushed to their feet.
"Oh no." Lena and Lillian looked to one another.
Lena and Lillian lazily waved the controller around, meanwhile Kara and Lori we're going all out.
"This sucks." Lillian looked at Lena, "Why did I come to this?"
"Because you have a soft spot for Michael Jackson over there." Lena gestured towards Lori.
"How are they getting so many points just standing there?!" Lori glared at them.
Wanda subtly rigged the match with her magic so Lori and Kara would win.

Sam walked into the room, seeing Lena dancing lazily. She got out her phone and started to record it.
"This is so going on Twitter." Sam chuckled to herself.

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