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"Did you know that when trains were originally introduced in the U.S, many people believed that they would be unsafe for women?" Nia asked the room.
"Really? Why?" Kara questioned, intrigued to know more.
"Oh because it was believed that women's bodies were not designed to go 50 miles per hour and their uteruses would fly out of their bodies if they were accelerated to that speed." Nia explained.
"I have so much respect for women of that era. I would've murdered every man I saw." Lena sipped her whiskey.
"Lena, you'd still kill every man you see." Alex pointed out.
"Not true. I wouldn't kill Brainy, but yet again, that's because he's the only one of you that I can actually have an intelligent conversation with." Lena roasted everyone.
"Kara's kryptonian." Alex again pointed out.
"Yeah, but, nothing she says ever makes sense around me." Lena shrugged.
"You know what they say, you don't make sense when around your-"
"Lena's here Kara!" Nia called out, cutting off Kelly.
Kara froze as she walked through the door, "Microwave."
"What in the ever loving fuck?" Alex face palmed.

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