Random Therapy Moments

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Kara: "You just don't want to admit that I'm right because you hate being wrong!"
Lena: "Oh please, I wouldn't even know that sensation."
Alex, turning to Lorelei: "I see where you get it from."
Wanda: "I wish you all could read Lore's mind, she has those arguments with herself."
Kelly: "I'm so close to referring you to a DID specialist."
Sam: "You think Lorelei has multiple personalities?"
Lena: "She gets it from her godmother."
Sam: *Glares at Lena*


Kelly: "Oh my god! Natasha, you're covered in blood!"
Nat: "Don't worry about it, it's not my blood. Ask questions and I'll have to kill you though."


Kara: "Lena won't kiss me."
Kelly: "Why is that Lena?"

~That Morning~

Lena: "Hey Kara, can I kiss you?"
Lena: "Don't you da-"
Kara: "I don't know, can you?"
Lena: "Nope, not anymore" *Leaves*
Kara: "Lee wait!"


Wanda: "I lost Lore in Walmart the other day."
Lori: "Wands, is that the day I stumbled to the Taco Bell? Or the day I figured out my mother's safe combination?"
Kara: "What safe?"
Lena, glaring at Lori: "Don't you dare."


Kelly: "What's the one thing I asked you all to stop doing?"
Everyone except Lena: "Throwing people out of the window"
Lena: "Reading Wanda's Darkhold."
Wanda: "You mean to tell me, you've had it this whole time?! Why?!"
Lena: "It's a good read. Highly recommend it."
Kelly: "I also asked you to start being open and honest. But here we are."


Lena: "Kara, I said you guys could have a small fire."
Kara: "And?"
Lena: "Blowing up my lab was not a small fire!"
Lori: "It was...by our standards."
Nat: "I did not throw myself off a cliff to save the world to get stuck in a book with these morons."
Lena: "Tell me about it."
Lena: "No seriously, tell me about it. That could answer so many of my questions."
Kelly: "Lena nO!"


Lena: "I have a list of friends ranked in order of most likely to die first."
Mon-El: "Where am I?"
Lena: "I see you assume you're my friend."


Lena: "Everyone is being more stupid than usual today, so naturally Romanoff, Wanda and myself have booked out your whole day."
Kelly, sarcastically: "Yayy"


Kelly: "Okay team Halloween, why do you love it so much?"
Lori: "Costumes"
Winn and Mon-El: "Candy"
Wanda: "I get to pretend to be someone I'm not and escape my reality for one night"
Sam: "Mood"
Lillian: "No one can tell if the murders and kidnapping I commit are real or fake."
Yelena: "Same, only no one can tell if I'm burying fake skeletons or real ones."
Lori: "Remind me not to go home tonight."


Lena: "Somebody keeps leaving sticky notes all over the house with inspirational quotes on them. And when I find whoever's been sticking them around, I'm going to shove a pad of them up their ass."
Kelly, scrunching up a sticky note: "Yeahhhh, I have no idea who's doing that."


Lori: "Just out of curiosity, what would y'all tombstones say?"
Kara: "Something cliche and boring."
Alex: "Step on my grave and I'll shoot you in the foot"
Wanda: "It's pronounced anti-hero no villain"
Marcus: "It's dark down here. Can y'all bring me a torch?"
Nia: "Dream time."
Jess: "I'm actually alive, send help."
Hope: "I'm surprised they didn't throw me in the junkyard"
Lena: "Ugh, finally."
Kelly: "Lena nO!"


Lori: *accidentally runs into the doorframe then trips over the couch*
Natasha: "That's your girlfriend"
Wanda: "Shut up, someone might hear you."


Kara: "Lori is pretty much running two businesses. How the holy cow does she and Wanda have time to frickity frack, when I can barely find time to snickity snack?"
Lena: "Please just say fuck"
Yelena: "I understood none of that except for the part that told me that Lori was loaded."
Natasha: "Oh shit, she is!" *Turns to Lori* "Looking for a wife?"
Carol: "I'm married to you!"
Lori: "And I'm flattered."


Lori: "I walked in on Ma shaving Mom's legs this morning. And I think I'd honestly rather walk in on them having sex"


Yelena: *Singly softly without realising it*
Andrea: "We get it! You can all sing!"

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